Arm & Hammer Health IQ additif pour litière

3,7 5 0 7 7 Transformez votre litière pour chat existante en un système de surveillance de la santé* avec l’additif à litière pour chat Health IQ ARM & HAMMER. Les cristaux changent de couleur en détectant les changements de pH dans l’urine de votre chat, ce qui peut indiquer un problème de santé urinaire potentiel, vous avertissant de consulter un vétérinaire. Ajoutez simplement une couche uniforme pour couvrir complètement toute la surface d’une litière neuve. Une fois que votre chat a uriné dans la litière, attendez au moins 4 heures. Consultez ensuite l’indicateur de couleur sur la bouteille. Si des couleurs en dehors de la plage jaune/vert persistent et/ou si votre chat semble en détresse, consultez votre vétérinaire. Répétez l’utilisation avec chaque bac à litière nouvellement rempli ou au besoin après avoir nettoyé.
Arm & Hammer Health IQ additif pour litière


Does it work
I tried Health IQ with our two cats and didn't notice any real changes in the colour of their litter. While we do use Arm & Hammer baking soda when I change their litter, Health IQ wasn't for us.
This product worked cats really enjoyed it.
Didn’t work for me
It didn’t work as it says. Thankfully my animals are healthy.
6 cats ....
With having 6 cats in the house, its sometimes very hard to keep it "nice smelling" but this arm and hammer litter additive makes it so much easier. Keeps those nasty smells away!
Fresh and Worry-Free Cat Care
The Arm & Hammer Health IQ Cat Litter Additive has been a game-changer in maintaining a clean and odor-free home. This additive effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors, leaving the litter box area fresh and inviting. It's simple to use—just mix it with the regular litter, and it starts working immediately. The health-monitoring feature provides an added layer of reassurance, alerting me to any potential issues with my cat's health. The additive's gentle, pet-friendly formula ensures it's safe for my feline friend. Overall, the Arm & Hammer Health IQ Cat Litter Additive offers convenience, enhanced hygiene, and peace of mind, making it an essential for every cat owner.
Absolutely the best!!
This stuff is the absolute best! No nasty smell, you can’t smell a cat box in your home at all! Obviously it’s very pet friendly but my cats don’t seem to mind still using the litter box even though it’s in it! There very picky cats but this stuff dosnt bother them at all! Also seems to have stopped my kitten from eating the clay cat litter HUGE PLUSS! Love this product all around and I’ll be buying this in bulk!
Iq litter
Did not work as they say it would . Litter never changed colors .


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