Visine Plus avec antihistaminique gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies

4,7 5 0 94 94 Les gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies VISINE® Plus avec un antihistaminique soulagent rapidement les symptômes d’allergies oculaires. Cette formule avancée associe un antihistaminique, le maléate de phéniramine, qui soulage les picotements oculaires et le larmoiement excessif, et un décongestionnant, le chlorhydrate de naphazoline, qui soulage la rougeur oculaire. Ces gouttes pour les yeux sont efficaces pour soulager les symptômes causés par les allergies au pollen, aux arbres, aux plantes herbacées, à l’herbe à poux, à la poussière, aux animaux et à la moisissure.
Visine Plus avec antihistaminique gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies


Worked great on my dry itchy eyes and the relief of the eye feels so much better
Eye drop
I have a lot of allergies and this stuff works well with itchy eyes clears them up
Works immediately
This is a fast soothing eye drop for burning red itchy eyes
Gets rid of the itch!
Great product. Stops my eyes from itching almost immediately and gets rid of the redness
As a cook at a remote site working anywhere from 12 to 15 hour days and having grease particles hovering in the air and attaching to my eyes, I find my eyes are sore and dry from both the particles and long hours. This product not only soothes them but also seems to hydrate them so they're no longer sore and dry
Great product!
I have really dry and itchy eyes, it bothers me on a daily basis. Thanks to this product, I no longer feel discomfort in my eyes after using it. I recommend this product to everybody, especially those like me who struggle with the pain of having itchy and dry eyes as it allows me to feel comfortable once more, with no pain.
I remember the days
There was a time where Visine was something that all of my friends had to make sure we had. It was something that we could not leave home without, or we would actually have someone go home to get some or we would have to go out to buy more. It works, and I think that's the most important thing. It doesn't only work for allergies, so it can be used for a variety of reasons.
Eye drops
I love these eye drops for my allergies. Price point is good and they work quickly. I have been using them for a longtime and are very effective when the pollen is flying.
Allergic eye relief.
After suffering with allergies for years, I’ve found this product provided the relief I needed from itchy watery eyes.
Good Product
The product worked well-enough for me as advertised.
Love this
Really helped me with my itchy eyes. Felt better after the first use. I highly recommend it. I have tried other products but this one did wonders especially during allergy season.
Excellent over the counter eye drops
Visine eye drops help with itchy eyes from seasonal allergies. Also help with dryness from allergies. Affordable alternate when you can’t see the doctor.
Works amazing to take that itch and sting out of your eyes when you are having an allergic reaction
Excellent product
Very good and helps with your allergies in my eyes. The watering eyes and itchiness was gone.
Good Allergy Relief
It does counter allergy itching. Yet, i do wish it was also good for lubricating and hydrating eyes. The redness is gone after a few drops.


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