Colgate Advanced White Whitening Toothpaste

4.5 5 0 28 28 Colgate Advanced White Toothpaste is a safe and effective way of keeping your teeth healthy and white for longer. Our new formula contains active micro-cleansing crystals that are clinically proven to gently polish and effectively whiten teeth in just 10 days with continuous use, twice daily
Colgate Advanced White Whitening Toothpaste


Incredible results delighted
Absolutely excellent product and I was very impressed with its results.Huge coffee drinker and teeth were stained .Started to notice a difference between day 5–10.It helped remove stains and my teeth were significantly whiter .Very happy !really good results
One of the best toothpaste
The only toothpaste brand we buy in our house. Its used by all family members. Soo Affordable and does what it claims. Cleans and protects the gums. Do not buy the expensive toothpaste that do the same job as this one does.
Good general cleaning
I trust Colgate as a brand. Their products cover all your mouth needs. I can't say I have noticed any whitening effect though.
Fine for lightly stained teeth
If you're a heavy smoker or have badly stained teeth this is probably not the product for you. Likewise if you're looking for instantly bright teeth as if you've just coke out of the dentist's chair then this isn't for you. However it's fine for general light staining to give your teeth a bit of a brighter shine. It tastes/smells fine too
Good for budget
If you are looking for a slow improvement and don’t have masses of money to throw at it, this is the one. Decent flavour not overpowering- teeth felt clean. Took around 6 ish weeks for noticeable improvement (don’t smoke)
Not an immediate effect but works over time
Purchased this a few weeks ago and was disappointed with the results! While my teeth were fresh and I got a good clean I didn’t notice any whitening effects however over time the effect built up and I have brighter teeth with that Colgate clean you expect!
Leaves your mouth feeling fresh
This has been purchased on a few occasions over the years and i have always found it long lasting and freshens and brightens up your smile. It's a reliable brand and always at a reasonable price.
Great at a reasonable oroce
This a good all rounder tooth paste. It’s not mega whitening like more expensive brands but my teeth feel clean and don’t look yellow. Would recommend.
Fresh and clean
I'm generally a fan of collate products anyway and this didn't disappoint. It's a great 125ml value pack that's a great size for use by the whole family. I like a whitening toothpaste and this claims whiter teeth I 10days. Both myself and my partner have used and feel we can start yo see a difference and hope with continued use things can only get better. It has a really nice fresh and minty flavour and I can almost feel the cleansing crystals doing their job. A small amount of paste is enough to leave my whole mouth feeling fresh and clean. Breath smelt fresh after use . I would recommend this toothpaste and would purchase again
Good product
Love this paste. A good size on the bottle. Affter using this tooth paste for a week I could say that I love this paste and I will switch to having this as my regular tooth paste. I love the mini cristals in the paste helps clean better my theeth and I love that it hasnt got a strong flavour.
Colgate advanced white toothpaste
The toothpaste performed well and I noticed a difference in the brightness and appearance of my teeth & I drink lots of coffee & like a glass of red! My teeth felt smoother so the micro crystals seem to be doing their job of polishing. The texture and consistency was good, not too abrasive like others can be.
Seems working
I had the toothpaste as tester and started using. It’s been ten days now and I can say that there’s a slight change already. But I have to say that I’m a heavy tea drinker.
Squeaky clean
I like this toothpaste as it makes your mouth feel really refreshed. The max clean affect is definitely what it does make your mouth feel like. My teeth feel squeaky clean after using it too
Very good toothpaste
I have used Colgate Advanced White toothpaste and find it to be a great taste, a product that indeed whitens teeth and is a reasonable price. I've only given it 4 stars because I think the toothpaste Colgate deep clean whitening and baking soda is better.
Nice toothpaste but no whitening...
The toothpaste is a nice texture and flavour, however I haven't noticed any difference in the colour of my teeth. This may be because I believe whitening toothpastes are mostly effective for surface stains caused by tea/coffee etc. which I don't really have.

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