Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant

4.7 5 0 263 263 Reveal flawless skin with our bestselling leave-on exfoliant. This gentle, lightweight fluid quickly exfoliates dead skin cells both on the surface and deep inside pores to reveal smoother, clearer, more radiant-looking skin. BHA (salicylic acid) has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce blackheads, blemishes and redness.
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant


A* exfoliant
This was one of the first exfoliants I used and I was would it would be too harsh but it was brilliant! Very gentle formula (even for beginners) and really worked on keeping my skin soft, and blemish/spot free!
You can actually tell a difference
You can actually tell a difference with this. I see a huge difference with my pores and my skin in general. I stopped using this for a week and my pores looked larger and my skin looked way more congested. I couldn’t figure out what I needed until is started using this again and my skin returned to the smooth texture I had before. Will definetly continue to buy. Also the mini lasts for a really long time so I always buy the mini rather than the larger size.
top-tier exfoliant
x"Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant lives up to its reputation as a top-tier exfoliant, delivering smooth, radiant skin by effectively removing dead skin cells and reducing pore congestion. Experience fewer blackheads, blemishes, and redness with this gentle yet powerful formula, revealing a clearer complexion."
Best exfoliater ever!!
This cleared my skin up.... I love it. Not too harsh either on my skin.
Good product
Great product used it for a while didn’t see dramatic changes! And still had some blackheads etc, but makes skin feel clean
Myy Holy Grail of Skin Care ...
This truly is my Holy Grail of my skin care inventory and routine ever since I discovered it years ago in a beauty box. At the time, Paula's Choice products were a little out of my budget but I remember receiving a 30ml bottle in that box and I was SO exited to try it. The first thing that surprised and impressed me immediately was that a little of this Liquid Exfoliantgoes a very long way - so much so that when I began using this I also began saving for next size up version, the 118ml I believe and by the time I was able to purchase it, my 30ml still had not run out. Being a Liquid Exfoliant of course the formula is thin but the packaging and top component lid are cleverly designed in such a way that you can dispense your desired amount without spillage. It glides so very smoothly onto your face and absorbs really well. Hydrating & replenishing, my skin's softer, clearer and hydrated.
Love love love
It has honestly changed the texture of my skin, I love it and will always repurchase it!
Works well for skin surface defining
Amazing for skin texture easy to apply and once you get through the purging stage the product really works. just got to stick to it
Perfect liquid exfoliant
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant is a must-have for clearer, smoother skin. Its gentle yet effective salicylic acid formula unclogs pores, evens texture, and banishes blemishes. Suitable for daily use on all skin types, it absorbs quickly, leaving no residue. With consistent use, it delivers noticeable improvements in skin clarity and health, making it a holy grail product for any skincare routine. This product helped me alot in my closed comodens and blackheads white heads.
Clear and prevent textured skin
This is a great acid for exfoliation, a little bottle goes a long way because you only need to swipe a small amount on your face a few times a week in the pm to see good results. Works amazing for clearing closed comedones and improving overall skin texture.
The product itself, it has a watery consistency and is odorless, which is great for those with sensitive skin. A little goes a long way, so a few drops are all you need to cover your entire face. I use it as a toner after cleansing my face, both morning and night. I have struggled with blackheads on my nose for a long time, and this product has significantly reduced their appearance.
Best BHA exfoliation
I’ve bought this time after time. Not the cheapest, but the best. Gentle but thorough. I’ve recommended to my 12 year old niece who is just starting to break out.
Takes time but results do happen
After seeing everyone rave about this I decided to give it a go - at first I noticed more breakouts and no real results which I was disappointed by as it is an expensive toner. I was using it regularly as stated on the bottle but with no results I gave up. After a few months I started to have breakouts and oily skin which nothing seemed to be helping with so I decided to try using this toner again just not as frequently as before - within 2 weeks my blemishes have reduced and become less frequent and my pores around my nose and cheek have significantly reduced and it is very noticeable. I personally am not a huge fan of the scent of it but when it’s on the skin it isn’t noticeable but that for me is the main issue.
So good
I have used this for over 10 years, it's still my favourite BHA exfoliant. Great for oily/ combination skin and you can see immediate results, after just a few applications.
Love this
Helps make my rough face feel nice and smooth again. I love this!

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