PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter

3.9 5 0 12 12 PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter is peanut butter re-imagined! Freshly roasted peanuts are pressed to remove most of the oil. Mix in a little sugar and a dash of salt for flavor, and the result is peanut butter with only 1.5 g of fat per serving - almost 70% fewer calories than traditional peanut butter and 6 g of plant-based protein.
PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter


Peanut butter
Not even a strong taste from this. Wont be buying it again
Not nice tasting
Not night tasting at all don’t waste your money buying it
Not a great taste
Love peanut butter but this was soooo disappointing. It just seemed like a fake peanut butter flavour and not something that I enjoyed.
One of my staples
One of my must have pantry staples. For a quarter of the calories compared to peanut butter, this mixed in with a bit of stevia on toast is my go to healthy snack when I want to lose a bit of weight and cut down on calories without feeling deprived. A jar lasts very long too!
I love this stuff!
This is one of the best products I’ve come across in so many years it is so useful in terms of cooking a recipe like satay. I have found that just adding a little bit water to it, make it into a little bit of pace and dipping slice of apples in mix for a great healthy snack. it is quite pricey per jar but it does last quite awhile. They also comes in a chocolate flavour as well which is also quite good. 
Perfect for overnight oats
While I can see this being used otherwise, I love to add it to my overnight oats to make the whole thing taste like peanut butter
Not too bad
Not a bad replacement for full fat peanut butter. A bit fiddly when trying to make into a paste. But tasty nevertheless.
Great in shakes
I remember the first time I saw PB2 and was thinking how silly it sounded. And then my husband brought home a jar. Well, it is far from silly! I quickly learned that I could add it to my morning protein shakes instead of regular peanut butter and save calories! Powdered peanut butter PB2 is supposed to have fewer than one third of the calories of regular PB! So that’s great since I’m always trying to lose weight! I always have a jar of PB2 in my pantry.
Powdered peanut butter
Love this I make microwave mug cakes and spread a tiny bit of this mixed with water on top of a carrot cake , peanut butter taste but low in calories great texture I love this!
Great Idea... but too sweet
Although very expensive, this is a great substitute for regular peanut butter but for one problem - the added sugar. I think it's a natural sugar of some kind but whatever it is it makes the product far too sweet to act as a suitable replacement for me. You can get unsweetened powdered peanut butters - I would definitely choose those over this particular product - but would recommend to someone with a sweet tooth. Aside from that, I found it mixed up very well with water and can be used as a spread, a dip or in dressings and sauces.
Good quality
A good quality peanut butter. You can make as much or little as you need. Has a authentic taste. Very convenient to use. Is as good as any ready made.
I love this stuff! But I will say it is not a good replacement for actual peanut butter. It is great in things like protein shakes, adding great taste, protein and fibre. I buy it regularly

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