NIVEA Youth Protect Body Serum​

4.7 5 0 217 217 Terokai penjagaan badan yang terbaik bersama NIVEA Youth Protect Body Serum. Losyen yang inovatif ini memgandungi 150X lebih Vitamin C daripada 10 Super Vitamin. Dengan SPF untuk Perlindungan Kolagen, melindungi kulit dan kolagen daripada cahaya matahari. Kulit nampak muda, cerah, anjal, gebu and licin dalam 5 hari.
NIVEA Youth Protect Body Serum​


Healthier looking skin
I've tried the Nivea Youth Protect Body Serum and it has absolutely done wonders to my skin! I'm constantly struggling with dry skin especially on both arms due to sunburns. Now its safe to say that I no longer face such problem! Thank you HomeTesterClub for giving me the chance to participate in this test!
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Great Sun Protect Lotion
As an avid user of Nivea Milk Lotion, incorporating the Nivea Body Serum into my skincare routine has been a game-changer. Its SPF 15 protection gives me peace of mind during the day, while the added benefits of collagen protection and Vitamin C leave my skin feeling nourished and rejuvenated. Pairing it with my beloved Nivea Milk Lotion at night completes my body care ritual, ensuring round-the-clock hydration and care. Highly recommended for those seeking a versatile and effective addition to their daily skincare regimen. This body serum provides both protection and nourishment for a radiant and healthy-looking skin.
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Sangat lembut, harum dan tidak melekit.
Sangat rekomen kepada semua. Produk yang sangat hebat
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Glow Boost: Nivea's Super Serum
Nivea's Extra Bright 10 Super Vitamins and Skin Foods Body Serum with SPF 15 is a skincare game-changer. Its lightweight texture, SPF 15 protection, and delightful scent make it a must-have. Offering a blend of vitamins and nourishing ingredients, it delivers brighter, healthier-looking skin. Highly recommended for those seeking an effective skincare upgrade.
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I like it light and comes with sunscreen
Everything is good as per the Q&A, the only things is the scent. I personally feel it’s a little too “sweet” and fruity. Would be best if there’s more scents choice or earthy/ woody scent
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Longer hidrant to my skin
My skin get even better with the moisture longer than before. Also my skin become brighter. Love the serum the most
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sangat wangi dan wangi sangat tahan lama
smells so good! before this i hate sticky feeling lotion usually gave me. but not this time. i have an awesome range of body lotion to share with you people! this is one of the best lotions i ever tried and what is the best part of it? it does not leave sticky feel at all and it absorb fast! looking at how we need to face our hot humid weather, with a hectic city lifestyle it is a must that we need to protect and ensure enough benefits to our skin so we can get good smooth skin! now i can’t stop sniffing my skin because it smells so good!
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Melembutkan kulit dan mencerahkan
Saya telah mencuba Nivea youth protect body serum ternyata ianya sangat bagus.kulit sangat lembut dan anjal.kelembapan pada kulit sepanjang hari.
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Losyen NIVEA Youth Protect Body Serum
Losyen NIVEA Youth Protect Body Serum the best. saya suka guna losyen ni sebab dia buat kulit saya lembut je.. bau pon wangiiiiu
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Saya sangat berpuas hati.
Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan tekstur dan bau Nivea Youth Protect Body Serum. Ia jugak melembutkan kulit secara konsisten. Bauan jugak kekal lama dan selesa 24jam.
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Lembut ringan dan bau yang wangi
Losyen yang terbaik pernah saya pakai.kulit jadi lembut..dengan tekstur yang ringan serta bau losyen yang wangi..terbaik NIVEA.. #htcmyxNIVEAYouthBodySerum
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Cerah, lembut dan anjal
Terbaik,best menggunakan produk ini,sangat soft and absorp. My skin pun jadi lembut licin serta cerah. Saya pasti akan meneruskan penggunaan produk ini. Tq htc n nivea. #htcmyxNIVEAYouthLotion
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Good for brightening
I already try it for 5 days but the effect not so much.maybe use it in long term can see the effect. Texture easy to absorb to skin but the smell is not my taste especially using during hot weather.
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Melembapkan,meremajakan,melembutkan dan mencantikkan kulit. Sangat best,tak melekit dan sangat wangi
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it was ok but i cant accept the smell
lotion was ok but i cant accept the smell, i dont like mango, sorry
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