Panoxyl Acne Foaming Wash

4.4 5 0 37 37 <li>Maximum strength formula contains 10% Benzoyl peroxide <li>Highest over the counter Benzoyl peroxide wash available -<li> Maximum strength, antimicrobial foaming wash kills acne-causing bacteria on contact and lifts dirt from pores for a fresher, clearer you. <li>Works to clean and unclog pores on face, chest and back <li>Clears existing acne and helps prevent new blemishes from forming
Panoxyl Acne Foaming Wash


Smooth Skin Essential
I've been using PanOxyl Acne Wash with 4% Benzoyl Peroxide Cream for a while now, and I'm really impressed with the results! It's been great for tackling stubborn acne and keeping breakouts at bay. The cream has a smooth texture that absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed. Plus, it's super convenient to use since it's a non-rinsed formula. However, one thing to note is that it did bleach my towel, so it's best to be careful with that. Overall, I highly recommend this product for anyone dealing with acne issues
Great acne wash
I use a 4 step routine from PanOxyl and I'm loving the way it makes my skin look and feel. I use the Acne Wash, Clarifying Exfoliant, Oil Control Moisturizer AM and Balancing Renewal Moisturizer PM and they have done wonders for my skin as I am finding I break out less and less the more I use it and my skin looks soft and bright.
Clean feel
I like it. I recommend it to people that suffer from mild to severe acne. This first of the 3 step routine will leave your skin feeling clean compared to other cleansers. Just a heads, up there is a mild medicine scent but it help my mild acne go away quicker then usual
Gets rid of acne
This is a great cleanser for people with harsh acne, you see immediate results. Although if you it dried out your skin you should try the 4% it is a little less harsh. A little goes a long way.
This product is my holy grail! This helped clear up my acne quickly! However, keep in mind that it bleaches your towel, and you should understand how to use it properly so that the product works wonders for you!
Great acne fighting power
This is a wonderful cleanser, but I myself do prefer foaming cleansers or oil based cleansers. It works really well at controlling acne for both my son and I. It has a nice creamy texture, but is a bit drying, so make sure you have a good moisturizer handy.
will always have this in my routine
I find this to be a pretty strong formula for daily use, I like to use it as a mask and spot treatment for active breakouts and then rinse off. This makes my skin feel refreshed, sterile clean and makes me feel like I am taking down the irritation when I have acne breakouts. I will always have this in my routine and I will always stock this in my bathroom as part of my acne routine.
I have acne prone skin and love using this! Great product and have repurchased twice so far!
Je l’ai acheté sur Amazon et je vois vraiment une différence au niveau de mon acné! Cela assèche mes boutons rapidement . Il faut faire attention parce que ça décolore les tissus .. comme les serviettes .
Must have for acne
I occasionally have acne on my back, and this works effectively an immediately.
Does the job but dries out your skin
This product does its job as far as helping with minor acne, however, it really dries out the skin after you use it. I recommend investing in a good moisturizer because you will need it
Great for acne prone skin
This was more harsh on the face and caused dryness but it takes time to get used to it. Works great for body acne, saw results after one use. It may bleach your towels though. Overall I highly recommend for stubborn acne prone skin.
Yes Yes Yes
You need this product in your life if you are acne prone or prone too blackheads. I myself was and my skin has never looked better since adding this product to my skin routine.
Very cleansing
I recently bought this after getting cystic acne for the first time in years. It's very cleansing, it makes my face feel very clean after using and I love that it's not scented and just smells clean because that makes me feel like it's truly there just to cleanse my face and get rid of acne causing bacteria. The only downside is It tends to make skin dry.
Amazing acne cleanser
My Dermathologyst recommended that I use it daily usually in the morning it keep the skin clean and acne free. It doesn’t dry out the skin as salicylic acid.

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