Apple Homepod Mini

4,5 5 0 91 91 Regorgeant d’innovations, le HomePod Mini d’Apple remplit toute la pièce d’un son riche à 360 degrés. Placez plusieurs haut-parleurs dans la maison pour un système audio connecté. Siri, votre assistant intelligent préféré, vous aide à accomplir vos tâches quotidiennes et à contrôler votre maison intelligente de façon privée et sécuritaire.
Apple Homepod Mini


Beau,Sécuritaire et Pratique
Ca fait environ 1 an que nous avons notre Homepod Mini et je l'adore. Nous avons choisi d'acheter un Homepod mini puisque c'était un des seules appareil qu'on peut utiliser pour contrôler notre maison intelligente en tout sécurité et en toute confidentialité. Le Homepod mini analyse super bien ce qu'on lui dit. Le son est de très bonnes qualités aussi et le volume peu être très fort aussi. Il peut jouer des poste de radio et de la musique dans notre apple music libary. Mais si tu lui demande de mettre de la musique qui est sur Spotify, YouTube ou autres, ca ne fonctionne pas. Parcontre, tu peux toujours Airplay de ton Iphone ou Ipad. Enplus, J'adore le look du Homepod mini.
Very Happy With It
This little gadget compares very well to the Echo. Easy to program, the app is easy to use and I like that it can connect to wifi and has blue tooth capabilities. We have three in our home and it is one of those products you didn't realize you needed until you get it!
Better than all competitors, fast to ser up, easy to.use, amazing!
great purchase
i’m saving up to buy one of these. i don’t have one personally but my mom does and she won’t stop showing me all the cool things it does and how great it is! my mom isn’t a tech savvy person and she says this is easy to set up and use!
Very Convenient
I keep this on my work desk. I love how easy it is to just tap my phone ( iPhone) on it and my music transfers . It’s also a perfect size. All I can say to make it better is to have a wider variety of colors.
Convenient hands free
Love the ease of using these. I have a few throughout my home. Music feature is great
Love it
Bin froh das meine Mutter mir das Ding geholt hat hab es so geliebt… leider ist es mir bei einem Umzug kaputt gegangen… würde es mir immer wieder neu holen und das ohne wenn und aber …
a match for you all
it does not really matter if you own an iphone or not, you can still use this product to its highest proficiency with every product even Samsung or other brands. give it a try. you will not regret it
sound is amazing, no distortion when you have it turned up to max, def recommend this to anyone
Got one a few months ago and it works great. The sound is excellent. I would highly recommend it for its high quality.
Worth it
Great sound for a reasonable price! This speaker is easy to set up and use. We have one for every room in the house!
Surprisingly good sound quality
I love my mini. I am a massage therapist, and this little speaker has great sound quality at any volume. I love that when my playlist comes to an end, I can simply ask for it to start again, without having to take my hands away from my work.
Apple Home pod mini
That’s great to play music and podcast and google assistant and Alexa very convenient and everyone can listen to music and audio book . It’s very affordable price to buy too I would recommend others
Fun product
It is a fun product to have home because it lets me listen to my music, podcasts or audiobooks easily. It also connects on all Apple devices in the family sharing program, which allows everyone to add songs to the playlist (play next option)
Apple smart speaker.
Looks good, sounds good. Does not have as many features as Amazon Alexa and Google Assist.

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