Aveeno - PR ExfoliantQuotidienClarifiant 198g

4,7 5 0 43 43 Révélez une peau plus radieuse grâce à l’exfoliant quotidien clarifiant Aveeno® POSITIVELY RADIANT®. Pour tous les types de peau, cet exfoliant facial allie des extraits de soja ultrahydratants à des granules de source naturelle pour exfolier et hydrater la peau, tout en la nettoyant. Cette formule sans huile ni savon, hypoallergénique et non comédogène aide à améliorer le teint, la texture et l’éclat de votre peau. Elle est suffisamment douce pour l’emploi quotidien, même pour la peau sensible. Cet exfoliant est offert en tube de 198 g.
Aveeno - PR ExfoliantQuotidienClarifiant 198g


A Regular in My Skin Care Routine
This product is great for a nice, deep clean without killing your skin! Not really sure about the 'brightening' claim, but overall a good product and very reasonably priced. Have used this many times and will continue.
use this everyday
I bought this and use it everyday. I love how it leaves my skin feeling. I do not find it rough like some other scrubs are. Personally for my this is a win and something that is in my daily routine! does not smell strong like some others.. leaves skin feeling clean and fresh
Love love love
My skin feels absolutely amazing. I have sensitive skin and this works for me.
Improved skin
My skin looked and felt markedly different after washing with Aveeno. It looked brighter and felt smoother. Smells nice too.
Love it
I honestly love almost everything by Aveeno! This body scrub leaves yours king feeling soft and clean. I like to use a loofa in the shower to help the product go further. It is a must tey!
Aveeno has been my “go to” for years now. This face wash has completely cleared my skin of blemishes and the gentle exfoliation helps remove dry skin. In addition to its many benefits, it’s affordable and worth every cent.
Trusted product
I have always loved Aveeno. It is one of my highly trusted products. Feels refreshing and leaves skin without irration.
I really like this product. It leave my skin soft and cleaned. I certainly recommend it.
I love this product it really made a huge difference to the smoothness of my skin. I will highly recommend this to my friends and keep on buying it for sure. I m feel different
Gently exfoliates
I love that it's exfoliating yet gentle on my skin. It has a refreshing scent to it as well. I live that i can use ut everyday without feeling like my face is stripped of it's natural oil!
Ave o Positively Radiant Scrub
I love this product it really made a huge difference to the smoothness of my skin. Especially my knees, elbows and feet. I will highly recommend this to my friends and keep on buying it for sure.
Love Aveeno
My skin feels brighter and smoother and it doesn't dry out the skin. Has been a part of my daily routine for a long time! Gentle and smells good.
Yes I suggest
I use it one a week, specially during summer, otherwise if you have sensitive skin used it only once every two weeks and very important to hydrate your skin after that because remember it’s a scrub and avoid perfum near your face.


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