Jeu Pizza Party

4,8 5 0 58 58 Un jeu de dés rapide et frénétique pour deux ! Lancez vos dés pour qu'ils correspondent aux garnitures de votre tranche de pizza. Continuez à lancer jusqu'à ce qu'ils correspondent tous. Maintenant, prenez une autre carte et continuez ! Le premier joueur à créer une pizza complète gagne !
Jeu Pizza Party


Very fun
Very fun game to play as a couple. A little competition and laughter is always needed and this game does just that!
So much fun!
It's fun for all ages! It can be fast or slow paced depending on the competitiveness! I received it as a birthday present and have played it a few times. I would recommend!!
Bon jeu rapide
Jeu super le fun, ma fille de 5 ans a compris vite et aime beaucoup! Se joue rapidement.
Cute game
Easy to learn so everybody can play. Verry fun we really enjoyed our time. Attention Could cause a craving for cheesy pizza.
Fun for the whole family
This was a fun way to spend an afternoon. We play board games often on the weekends or in the evenings. This is easy to play and got lots of laughs. It was fun.
Great fun
This is an amazing and fun gane that we play at least every other day, especially my 10 year old niece loves it.
Fun for all
Always a blast playing this with my kids, enjoy the laughs and fun from trying to get the pizza done!! Momma Mia!! I think a bigger version for more people to be able to play at once!
So much fun
University Games Pizza Party Game It was a great game for the big and little kids to play together. You roll the dice to add toppings to your pizza and the game goes by relatively quickly. Would highly recommend for excellent family time.
game Fun game to play with kids of any age. Easy to understand and play. Since it is not a long game everyone can have their turn playing.
Keeps your in full Swing and introvert type guests all get to mingle
Bon jeu
Un bon jeu facile a jouer avec les enfants. Mon garçon de 4 ans a vite comprit le principe. Le seul hic les instructions sont seulement en anglais.
Fun Game!
My kids loved this game, it was easy to play and they loved yelling out mama mia.
Fun game….
I bought this for my kids, this kept them busy for few hours, it is good family game. The cards do not break easily and the dices get lost easily.
Quick and fun game
Easy to learn and to play for all ages. Small and ideal for traveling. We found it would benefit from adding a 2nd pack of the game to keep the action going. Great way to spend family time together!
Loads of 🤩 fun
This is nice way to waste time. Once COVID is over, i want to have lots of friends and family members over and stay up all night and play games


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