Listerine Total Care Sensitive

4.8 5 0 19 19 LISTERINE TOTAL CARE FOR SENSITIVE TEETH® is designed to build protection against the sudden shock of pain caused by tooth sensitivity.
Listerine Total Care Sensitive


since i ada sensitive teeth i try la beli ini. memang bagus guna listerine ini. bau dia sedap mint2 sikit.. mulut pun tak berbau.
Feel freshed after usimg this product. Confidently smile and talk with other people.
Freshen up
Like the minty taste.. definitely feels fresher and clean for long hours. Does not make my tounge felt numb after using it. Not tooo harsh for me..
Worth to try
Spe ada gigi sensitif atau mulut ada luka. Jgn cuba. Pedih nnti. Tp bagos sngt kalau nk ilangkan bau mulut. Dia punya berangin mulut boleh tahan 1-2 minit jgk la. Best la pakai

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