Johnson's CottonTouch Baby Bath & Baby Lotion

4.7 5 0 525 525 隆重为您介绍全新的JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion。此宝宝护理系列含有0%的对羟基苯甲酸酯防腐剂 (parabens),邻苯二甲酸盐 (phthalates) 及色素基苯甲酸酯 (dyes)*。这系列里混合天然棉,对肌肤非常温和,是为呵护宝宝们的娇嫩肌肤而设计。 全新Johnson’s, Choose Gentle! <br> <br> <sup>*无添加 </sup> <br><br> <b>Johnson’s® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath</b><br> <ul><li>防过敏</li> <li>No More Tears® 配方</li> <li>容易冲洗且无残留物</li> <li>使皮肤柔嫩洁净</li></ul> <br> <b>Johnson’s® CottonTouch™ Face & Body Lotion</b><br> <ul><li>第一次使用就能滋润宝宝的肌肤</li> <li>水性成分的润肤乳;不粘腻</li> <li>快速吸收及保湿长达24小时</li> <li>临床证实对宝宝绝对安全</li> <li>让你无法抗拒的香味!</li></ul>
Johnson's CottonTouch Baby Bath & Baby Lotion


JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion are simply the best invention for my baby! Now my baby is always looking forward to take bath and be pampered with the nice fragrant lotion. #htcmyxjohnsonsCT, #hometesterclubmy #JohnsonsMY
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My baby likes to use Top to toe shower creme and lotion Smell very frangrant When apply to baby skin feel so smooth
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
After trying JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion for over a week, my baby's skin felt so soft and smooth all day long. My baby love the smell too. No doubt this is the best product ever made for my baby! #htcmyxjohnsonsCT, #hometesterclubmy #JohnsonsMY
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
After trying JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion for about a month, I must say both products are the best I've ever used for my baby! My baby's skin felt so smooth and supple all day long. The fragrance isn't strong, which is just the right scent for my baby. I really hope these products could be available at much lower price without compromising the quality, so that the lower income families could afford it. #htcmyxjohnsonsCT #hometesterclubmy #JohnsonsMY
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Sangat suka sugguh wangi tidal melekit Dan sangat Suka
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion 是其中一个我觉得很不错的系列. 它非常滋润和容易被吸收,宝宝皮肤不会有粘粘的感觉,味道也不错. 非常值得被推荐. #htcmyxjohnsonsCT, #hometesterclubmy, #JohnsonsMY
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I like the smell of the lotion, it non sticky applied on my kids skin, faster absorb and keep the skin soft and smooth. For the shampoo, after used, hair was not dry and skin been moistured.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
love how this works it’s nice on my baby skin and smells great. it moisturizes the skin of my baby very well I recommend it.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
very good product ,thanks send for trial ..nice to use
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Saya telah mengguna produk ini dan saya dapati bauan yg sangat wangi dan segar..mandiannya juga lembut dan membuatkn kulit anak saya terasa seperti halus dan mulus.lotion nya yang mudah menyerap juga senang dipakai dan selesa
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
lotion 用了皮肤很滑,味道也淡淡好闻不会有很重的香味,可能会考虑入手。如果是organic的话更好
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Produk sangat elok untuk bayi dan sesuai juga untuk digunakan seisi keluarga. Baunya sangat wangi menjadikan kita selesa dan nyaman sentiasa. Kulit bayi sangat lembut dan menjadikan bayi sentiasa dalam keadaan segar. #htcmyxjohnsonsCT #hometesterclubmy #JohnsonsMY
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion produk yang sangat sesuai digunakan untuk semua lapisan umur..tekstur yang sangat lembut, wangi dan mudah meresap ke dalam kulit..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
JOHNSON’S® CottonTouch™ Top-to-Toe™ Bath and Face & Body Lotion is good for baby skin. When we use it, my baby is easy to take a bath. Thank you for the best product for our baby #htcmyxjohnsonsCT, #hometesterclubmy #JohnsonsMY
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
JOHNSON'S cottonTouch top to toe bath& body lotion sgt bagus untuk bayi saya..sangat wangi lembut pada kulit bayi dan selamat untuk bayi..saya pasti akan mengunakan nya lagi selepas ini
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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