Bio Oil Skincare Oil

4.5 5 0 61 61 It’s a clinically proven formula using our breakthrough PurCellin Oil™ complex that helps tone & smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s enriched with Vitamin A & E to help improve elasticity, for skin that feels firmer and more hydrated. Suitable for face and body.
Bio Oil Skincare Oil


Good but not great
Having used Bio Oil for a period of time, as well as other pure natural oils such a jojoba, I personally feel that it's the massaging motion that matters most to help break down scar tissue etc. I personally don't notice a huge difference between using Bio Oil and other products. That said, it does smell really nice.
Perfect for scars
I used it for stretching marks and it does the work beautiful scent and good oily texture with the dialy use it reduce scars and stretch marks I recommend it 100%
Excellent bio oil
We used this on two little scars above our 4 year olds eyebrow - scars left from a fall. The oil has worked wonders and is really beginning to fade the little red lines. They are now a soft pink colour and noticeably getting better by the week. Excellent product and we’re very happy with the results! Big thumbs up.
Great Oil
Have been using this for around a year. Have seen slow but sure improvement with stretch marks and slight hyperpigmentation. Have to use it regularly to see results but you do see them! Nice, non-sticky oil that absorbs well into the skin. No fragrance and easy to use
Amazing oil
Such a wonderful oil. I use it as a face oil and body oil. I have acne prone skin. I tend to get a lot of scars. It feels fairly light on the face and does not break me out. Which is so important for me. I have been using this oil since high school! I have also used it on my stretch marks on my body and can't say it made a very big difference. But seems to lighten them a little
Bio oil for your skin
I used this when I was pregnant and it left my body feeling so soft and I believed it helped me to not get as many stretch marks
Great for old scars and soft skin
I’ve used bio oil for a few years and will continue buying it. I’ve just started on a new bottle and would highly recommend. It completely reduced the itchiness of old scars and after months of use they looked softer and flatter too. An unexpected side effect was on my nails, after using bio oil daily for a few weeks my nails looked shiny and strong- I think from using my hands to apply the oil and using the excess on my hands and nails. It has a lovely scent and you only need to use a small amount. It absorbs quickly too. Can be quite pricey but I think it is worth it.
Stretch marks
I bought this product after having kids to help with the reduction of my stretch marks and it actually works. I purchased the 200 ml for a test run and I cannot stopping buying now. It helps to reduce the appearance of stretch mark, though it does not help with evening out my skin tone. I am still grateful.It also helps with my dry skin. And it has no smell.
Magic oil on a bottle
This oil is amazing I've used all over my body after having several surgeries, this oil has helped minimise the scaring left from the procedures. One of my scars is no longer noticeable. I would highly recommend.
Brilliant for stretch marks!
Great for stretch marks! Used it whilst pregnant and was lovely on my skin! Great for scars too!
Helps with scars
I have used this on both my knees, I had large scars from having had both knees replaced and this has really helped to get them less noticeable
Keep persevering
Used this on stretch marks on thighs. Had to use for several months twice a day but have seen improvement. Smells nice and soaks in well
It does work
It does work, I used this for about 17 years from late teens to mid 30s before switching to a more natural alternative. The ingredient list is extensive and a lot of them aren't things I feel I should be putting on my skin, but the oil is very effective and I would still recommend this to anyone suffering from dehydrated skin.
Used after having kids
I have used this bio oil for a while now and I use it in my stretchmarks after having kids. I love it as it has really toned and smoothed my skin and definitely has reduced the appearance of them. You only have to use a little as it goes a long way
Bio-Oil Skincare Oil
It’s a great product if you have very dry skin. It’s very greasy but you only need to use a very tiny amount of the oil. It absorbs well and you can put on clothing soon after. I use a tiny amount on my face and it makes a great base for my make up to glide on.

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