IAMS for Vitality Adult Cat Food

4.5 5 0 4458 4458 IAMS for Vitality Adult Cat Food with Fresh Chicken provides 100% complete and balanced nutrition, formulated by experts to help support your cat's 7 signs of healthy vitality. All of this packed into a tasty recipe with 87% animal protein* for your pet to enjoy every day. And even better, all IAMS for Vitality recipes are wheat free** and contain no fillers, artificial colours, flavours or GMOs. *Out of total protein **Produced in a factory that handles wheat
IAMS for Vitality Adult Cat Food


Nice food but ethical concerns
Paws up from my moggies on the food, though IAMS is not a brand I would normally buy due to ethical concerns around treatment of animals during testing.
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IAms dry food review
Generally happy with IAms and will certainly buy again in biscuit format. Barney definitely does not like IAms wet food
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Milo loved iams
Brilliant food, milo loved eating it as never left any each time. Will be buying this cat food from now on thanks guys.
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Full of Vitality
Both my cats thoroughly enjoyed their iams cat food. My cats are now 12 so I do worry about their health and ensuring that what they eat contains plenty of goodness to help them stay healthy and energetic. They really enjoyed this food and it seemed to do them good to. Their coats are shiny and they are happy and healthy.
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Iams cat food test.
My cat enjoyed the wet food, I can't fault that one bit, she never came up for air and a short time after eating it she had an energy spurt and ran round the flat like a lunatic. The dried food she would keep going back and forth to whenever she was peckish so was great for if I was out or through the night.
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IAMS Vitality Cat Food. Thumbs up.
IAMS for vitality Adult Cat Food is great quality, grain free, and packed full of all the ingredients needed to keep cats healthy. Even though it was only supposed to be one cat testing the food it became cats, I say cats because we have 6 including Froggy, so they all had to try it, which was interesting because they actually all liked it. Some of them can be fussy eaters. The food is therefore something I would buy again, but I would still alternate with a different textured as just dry kibble is incredibly boring I would imagine.
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Highly recommended
I will definitely be using iams in future she became more alot and healthy and her digestive system gas became alot better
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Iams and Cleo
The cat thoroughly enjoyed the IAMS food, she couldn't eat it quickly enough! However, I fear she would cost me a fortune if I was to switch entirely to IAMS so I will add it into her diet instead. She loved the fineness of the shreds in the wet food and there was plenty of jelly, her favourite. I have never known her to eat a brand of biscuits so quickly, her bowl was constantly empty.
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Converted to Iams
My cat Luna likes her dry food and treats. This was her first time trying Iams Vitality. He is converted now! She is happy and full of energy! Definitely we going to buy it again
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Happy Winston
Appart from the smell and the dustiness of the kibble Iams does appear to be a good value cat product.
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Nutritional but a little expensive
I appreciate the nutritional values of feeding my cat IAMS. My experience was however mixed as only 1 of my 2 cats seemed to enjoy eating the IAMS food. However I do feel the kibble size was good for them. I am also unsure about the value for money of the IAMS cat food
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Quality product, my cats loved it!
I was very impressed with the quality of this product. The kibble is a good size and has a nice smell to it. I put a small amount in my cats’ bowls at first to see their reaction and they couldn’t get enough of it! They were soon after more and whilst they’ve been having it, they have seemed even more brighter and playful than usual. It is pleasing for me as an owner to see my cats enjoy a product so much.
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Pixie IAMS
Pixie really enjoyed her sample of IAMS and we would definitely buy it again if it was on offer, however she also loves supermarket own bran food which tends to be cheaper
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Cats loved it!
My cats loved it! We've already made the switch from our previous brand.
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My cats loved it.
I think that the product is good. My cats thoroughly enjoyed both the wet food and the dry. I am considering buying it (as my cats enjoyed it so much), but money is tight at the moment and I am unsure that I can afford it. After looking at the price in relation to other high quality dry food it is quite expensive.
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