Weleda Rosemary Revitalising Hair Tonic

4.6 5 0 65 65 Natural treatment against hair and scalp problems, hair loss, thinning or brittle hair, dandruff and dryness. Used for centuries to stimulate the circulation, rosemary helps restore the health of the scalp, while stonecrop and horseradish extracts work together to discourage microbial development and reduce inflammation.
Weleda Rosemary Revitalising Hair Tonic


Hair tonic
Works so good on your hair. Gives it a good shine
non sticky
I like this product as it is non greasy and non sticky. Smell is not too strong which is good.
great product
great smell, good for scalp. love every product from Weleda, would definitely recommend
Amazing product
I have extremely thin hair and I’ve tried every product on the market. I’m not sure if this is helping with hair growth as I’m using this with a combination of rosemary oil, Rosemary shampoo & conditioner but it makes me scalp feel super refreshed and it’s smells lovely.
Another bottle on the shelf
I like the scent of rosemary, but am sceptical about claims of stimulating hair growth, how can it be measured when it is a natural cycle of fallout and regrow?
Amazing product
I used this product for a month and my hair felt softer and had a brilliant shine. Definitely recommend Weleda
It helped my scalp a lot
This product really helped with my scalp which was always dry and with problems. It also helped with my hair growth and thinning because of its organic ingredients, especially rosemary.
great for dandruff issues
great for the scalp smells good would recommend
Love the herbal scent of it, and the scent leave on my hair that I smell nice throughout day. However, I can't see much different to prevent hair loss.
Surprisingly good
I was a little skeptical about this product, but being as I love the Mousterister I gave it a go, and I am so glad I did. It smells incredible and my hair is so much healthier. Very good value for money
Great product
Liquid hair tonic, comes in a glass bottle. Apply on the scalp and massage, has a nice herby scent. Found it stimulated my scalp encouraging hair growth and minimising hair loss.
Soothes scalp
I love this product. It relieved my itchy dry scalp instantly and made my hair silky smooth without weighing it down. The effect lasts for quite a long time. Would definitely recommend.
Great hair product
I absolutely loved this product whilst using for my hair, i saw a difference in my hair after one use. It was so smooth and super hydrated but not greasy
Done my hair wonders
This has really helped my hair and scale! Would 100% rebuy this! I also have gifted it to a few of my female friends who also love it
Really nice product and I think the brand is great. I like the bottle too which is a bonus! Anyone who suffers from hair thinning or feels like their scalp needs some extra help I would highly recommend this.

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