Dove Eventone Moisturising Cream Sensitive Skin & Calendula

4,8 5 0 544 544 Dove Eventone Moisturising Cream Anti-Perspirant provides sensitive underarms with 48-hour protection against wetness and odour, and keeps them smooth and even toned thanks to its formula, which contains quarter moisturising cream and calendula.
Dove Eventone Moisturising Cream Sensitive Skin & Calendula


Dove eventone
Im a very active individual and I always suffered from sweat alot untill I tried the dove eventone moisturing cream and it worked. I don't sweat as I did before especially when I workout, try it you won't regret anything.
It really works and helps with sweat, especially on those summer days. It clears uneven underarms.
Clears dark underarms n helped with sweating during sunny hot days. Helped alot with smelly armpits
Love the smell
absolutely wonderful fragrance yet so gentle on the skin.
Love it
Dove is definitely the product for me I've been using dove ever since I can remember and never disappointed me it leave me feeling fresh and clean the whole day even on a hot and sunny day I feel confident using it and it leaves my arm pits even I always recommend it to my friends and family
It smells great and it is good for my dry skin. It last longer and doesn't irritate me.
Good product
Even tone products are so good to me, I used to have dark marks under my arms but I started using event tone, they have really cleared, I no longer have dark marks and I will continue using it, am so happy.
I just love dove , it keeps me dry and smells fresh and keeps my underarms soft and dark mark free
Smells amazing
Dove has a wide range of wonderful scented products. I really like this one, its smooth on skin, dries up quick and leaves no white marks. Its a must try!
It's gentle on skin
It's so gentle on skin, and it does not leave stain on the clothes, it keeps you fresh and it last longer than many brand that I have tried.
Leaves you feeling fresh and smelling good for a very long time
Amazing product
I had dark underarms but after using this product, my underarms got brighter and feel soft
Dove Lady
I love dove it feels and smells good with 48 hours protection. I love love dove products. Dove has never failed me or my family. Excellent product not harsh on the skin even after shaving its perfect.
finding comfort in freshness
dove products are never disappointing, I used to struggle with itching armpits due to sweat & irritation. My sister recommended this product and I never looked back, it gives a fresh feeling, moisture, nourishment, and dryness throughout the day no matter how sunny the weather is. I love how it also boost my confidence.
Dove is the one
This is a great product. keeps you fresh throughout the day. haven't yet noticed a change in my underarm skin tone. the 50ml container is travel size and cute.

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