NH Soy 豆粉系列

4.6 5 0 383 383 NH Soy 豆粉系列是一款结合富含蛋白质的非转基因去皮大豆,搭配其他营养价值高的天然食材如紫薯、有机奇亚籽和罗勒籽的健康饮。适合一家大小每天饮用,为身体补充每日所需的营养。
NH Soy 豆粉系列


delicious, healthy, saving
I love the taste of both variants so I wouldn't mind having these two every morning to start my day. But if you want some crunch, go for the NH Soy Series, and if you love creamier taste, go for the NH Soy Purple. Just add in 3 scoops of NH Soy series of your choice in cold or warm water (200ml - 250ml) and stir or shake. I recommend using a shaker to get smoother texture.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
superb delicious drink
Thanks home tester club for the trial. I love NH soy series so much especially NH soy seeds. The crunchy texture of the chia seeds and basil seeds make me fall in love with it. This protein-rich soy drink is ideal for the whole family, from children to adult. Its help in promoting the bowel movements in adults and prevent constipation in children. Furthermore, it is high in calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron which is cater for the need of pregnant and lactating women.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Delicious nutrition breakfast
To start my day with great delicious nutrition breakfast or meal ~
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Saya suka NH soy serius..ia sangat sedap dan family saya sukakannya..
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我对NH Soy 豆粉非常喜欢
我对NH Soy豆粉系列, 我比较喜欢紫薯口味, 因为有紫薯的香味, 喝起来也很顺滑可口, 同时也能喝出豆粉的味道, 甜度刚刚好.. 我非常喜欢紫薯列.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
sedap dan mengenyangkan
kenyang dan sedap.. mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana dalam bentuk sachet. saya suka yang chia seed.. rasa lemak2 dari soya dan gabungan chia seed sangat sesuai.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Tasty, Healthy and Fully drinks.
I seldom eat breakfast but after I tried this NH Soy Series, I feel full and taste good. I think in future I can drink this NH Soy as my daily breakfast, a healthy drink for maintain a healthy body.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Less sweet and full of protein
Less sweet. Full of protein. I love it for my breakfast cz it makes my stomach full till lunch time so no snacking at 10am in between.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
sesuai untuk diet
NH Soy Series sangat sesuai untuk program diet saya kerana mempunyai zat-zat yang bagus...dan ianya mempunyai rasa keladi
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Filling, tasty, heartwarming
Was trying the soya i didnt realize i finished all at the end of the week. Was looking at the price to buy after i finish it. I even use it to make my smoothies..really good product
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Tasty, healthy, handy
I like the Purple Yam flavor, it is tasty. I drink it at breakfast and feel full until late noon. I like that it is healthy and easy to make.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
NH Soy so sedap..
NH soy minuman protein kesukaan saya dan keluarga dengan perisa yang perbagai..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
NH Soy豆粉系列是个很不错的饮料,包装方便又独立,可以轻易带出户外就能饮用,紫薯的香甜味到不会让人觉得很腻,一杯就能有饱足感。
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
首先我是非常挑味道的麻烦人,很难找到我能接受的口味,这个NH soy很可以,也很有饱实感,超满意,谢谢NH Soy
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Sedap.. Lazat dan berkhasiat
Sangat sesuai untuk minuman sekeluarga dengan khasiat soya di dalamnya
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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