Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect - Natural Soothing

4.8 5 0 67 67 健康的牙龈和牙齿应从早期开始进行保护,而使用 Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect,可以预防牙龈问题,免除后顾之忧。含有 3X 效清除牙菌斑<sup>*</sup>采用先进双重功效配方,经临床验证,能够:<br> <br> - <b>强化牙齿</b> – 预防蛀牙,强化珐琅质,有效清洁牙齿。<br> - <b>保护牙龈</b> - 预防牙龈问题,杀灭99.9% 的细菌,有效去除牙菌斑。<br> <br> <font size="1"><sup>*</sup>3X reduction of plaque index compared with a regular Darlie toothpaste without Zinc Citrate, according to test value based on the clinical study with randomised, double-blind, parallel and controlled-design with continuous use of toothpaste for 3 months. </font>
Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect - Natural Soothing


Protective Great Strengthen
Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect - Natural Soothing is my favourite choice for brushing. It contains fluoride for protection against cavities and remove plaque effectively. An Advanced Dual-Action formula helps strengthen my gums and teeth.
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I have been using it for 7 days, it has mild mint taste and helps to reduce bleeding gum. I will continue to use it and recommend it to my friends.
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Ubat gigi terbaik yg pernah guna
Sy sukakannya..nafas lebih segar..sy slalu gosok gigi mst gusi akan bdarah..selepas menggunakan ubat gigi nie..tiada lagi gigi berdarah. Sy sgt sukakannya..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Does as it claims. No bleeding gums
Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect does what it claims. No bleeding gums. Squeaky clean teeth. However, it is lacking the usual “minty” feel that I’m accustomed to when brushing teeth. Some toothpastes are too minty to the extent that it gives a burning sensation when brushing, but this toothpaste is nice and gentle on gums. My husband thinks it tastes like candy, so he’s not a fan. I wouldn’t repurchase as I prefer toothpaste for sensitive teeth and this does not have that claim. Overall, good choice if you’re looking for a gentle toothpaste that cleans well and if you are not a fan of “mint”.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
This toothpaste really work for me
I am seriously impressed by the changes I've noticed since I started using this toothpaste. My dentist actually recommended I find a toothpaste with a focus on gum health, specifically. So I was eager to give this a try. I'll be honest. First impression wasn't great. I prefer gel over paste because I don't like the texture of toothpaste. And the flavor isn't good. Not very minty at all. But! I was determined to stick with it anyway. And I'm so glad I did! After about a week of daily use, I noticed that my gums were far less inflamed. They don't bleed when I floss at all anymore. And my breath was noticeably less morning breath. So whatever this product is supposed to do is absolutely working for me. I'm so happy with this change! I've gotten used to the taste and texture now, so it doesn't bother me. Totally worth it, regardless. If you've got gum issues, definitely give this a try. Highly recommend!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Refreshing and cooling toothpaste
The Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect toothpaste gives a cool and refreshing feeling when use to brush teeth. My teeth or gum used to bleed sometimes when I brush my teeth. But I noticed after using this toothpaste, I feel that my gum is healthier and no swollen. Also, my breath stays fresher throughout the day. I feel more confident when I talk and smile to others. Love it.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
The Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect toothpaste gives a cool and refreshing feeling when use to brush teeth. My teeth or gum used to bleed sometimes when I brush my teeth. But I noticed after using this toothpaste, I feel that my gum is healthier and no swollen. Also, my breath stays fresher throughout the day. I feel more confident when I talk and smile to others. Love it.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Darlie 为你的牙齿护航
每次刷牙一不小心用力过猛 就导致牙龈出血,试用了这款 Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect 后,牙龈逐渐变得比较强壮,没那么敏感了。喜欢牙膏带有草本 甜甜的味道,为口腔带来清凉感,非常加分!刷完后牙齿也不会感觉涩涩的,非常温和 却能减少口腔细菌达99.9%。短时间内还没能确定产品是否能解决牙菌斑问题,让我们拭目以待吧!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Segar, nyaman dan menguatkan gigi.
Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect kerana ia menjadikan gigi dan gusi saya lebih sihat dan kuat.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Pilihan yang terbaik
Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect membantu untuk mencegah gusi berdarah dan membantu untuk mengurangkan gusi yang bengkak serta memberikan kesegaran yang berpanjangan selepas menggunakannya.Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect ialah ubat gigi pilihan saya.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Senyuman lebih menyakinkan
Gusi saya sangat sensitif kepada air sejuk dan kadangkala mengeluarkan darah ketika memberus gigi. Selepas menggunakan Darlie Gum & Teeth Protect, gusi saya semakin baik. Nafas segar lebih lama dan tiada lagi masalah gusi sensitif terutama semasa meminum air sejuk atau berkumur di waktu pagi. Ubat gigi ini juga sesuai digunakan oleh seisi keluarga. Terima kasih Darlie kerana memperkenalkan ubat gigi ini.
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Saya sukakan rasa dan baunya.
Memberikan nafas yang segar dan nyaman. Membantu menyelesaikan masalah gusi.
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protect the gum & reduce bleeding.
It help to reduce the bleeding due to brushing. However the freshness after brushing is not longer than other toothpaste.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Different and Refreshing!
The taste of the toothpaste is different from typical Darlie. The taste is not vey minty and strong a usual, but still give your mouth a refreshing feel. It does stop my gum from bleeding while brushing. Recommended to those who like to less minty toothpaste and those who wanted to protect their gum and teeth.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
The taste of the toothpaste is different from typical Darlie. The taste is not vey minty and strong a usual, but still give your mouth a refreshing feel. It does stop my gum from bleeding while brushing. Recommended to those who like to less minty toothpaste and those who wanted to protect their gum and teeth.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品



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