Easy-off Bam Power Cleaner Universal Degreaser Spray

4.4 5 0 45 45 Easy-Off BAM Power Cleaner Grease & Sparkle Trigger Spray with improved formula and 100% grease removal.
Easy-off Bam Power Cleaner Universal Degreaser Spray


Bam Degreaser
I remember when this brand came out many years ago and i thought i would give it a try again as it may have improved but it hasnt much. I think the title of 'easy off BAM' is a little misleading - its not a spray , leave and wipe away. Elbow grease is required.
Great Cleaner
Love it - terrific cleaner and does what it says on the label. Makes cleaning anything slightly greasy way easier.
Highly recommend
I want not able to wash off grease of kitchen and this is the best i have ever seen after this product.
Grease Away
Works great on the stove, or for splatters of oil on benchtops. And doesn't leave a film after wiping
Good Degreaser
I had to try Easy Off Bam Power Cleaner Universal Degreaser as I thought it would solve all my greasy problems, I found it does work well but you still need quite a bit of +manual power to get some of the stubborn stains. Overall I will use it again.
Works well
Works well on greasy and dusty marks that don't come off as easily with other cleaning products. Would recommend.
Bye Bye Grease
I use this all the time in the kitchen and it gets rid of hard, stuck on grease and food really well. I use it on my stovetop, pans, and microwave.
My go to for grease.
No other product on the market cleans grease effortlessly than bam. My kitchen cupboards are sparkling. Even when you think there's no grease or dirt give it a spray and watch the spray bring out the dirt.
Good product
This is a good product but I have used better Good for light work anything more it is not so easy off needs a lot of muscle power as well The smell is too overpowering for me it kinds of takes my breath away On saying that I can see people having good results from this
Love the product - hate the packaging!
This is one of my favourite degreasers - spray, sit then wipe! Sometimes you need a little elbow grease on older spots. My biggest grip with this product is that the sprayer itself is absolute rubbish. Rather than an even mist over surfaces you get a messy jet and end up having to use way more than necessary!
Excellent for tough stains
It is good in the kitchen and in the bathroom to get rid of tough stains, I always have this in my house
bam wa a slam
This made my life so much easier and cleaner would highly recommend this to every person that wants an easier way for. cleaner house and garage
Excellent degreaser at a good price
We used the degreaser to clean large drums that previously held oil. Degreaser worked extremely well. We were expecting to have to reapply several times but only needed to degrease once.
Great grease remover
Best brand and grease remover all of bams products are absolutely amazing, they cut to the grime, grease, dust, mould whatever product you use of bam's its always a major satisfier

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