LitterLocker Cat Litter Disposal Pail System

4.5 5 0 73 73 With a simple 3 step process, your daily chore just got a lot easier! Just scoop, remove & seal. Our square opening for our Design pails makes it even easier to scoop the litter into the pail while our Air-Seal technology ensures that litter odours and bacteria stay inside the pail - and not in your home. The durable multi-layer bag is strong enough to hold up to 2 months of cat waste (in a 1 cat household) and is easy to change. Includes a sleek, space saving pail with scoop and scoop holder that easily attaches to the side of the pail to keep the scoop handy. When it’s time to clean your cat’s litter box, simply scoop, remove and seal; just 3 easy steps and you are done! It is the most hygienic way to dispose of kitty litter.
LitterLocker Cat Litter Disposal Pail System


Effortless Cat Litter Disposal
The LitterLocker Cat Litter Disposal Pail System has revolutionized how I manage my cat's litter box waste. Its sleek design and compact size fit seamlessly into my home decor, while its odor-blocking technology ensures my home stays fresh and odor-free. The hands-free operation makes disposing of litter a breeze—simply scoop, drop, and seal with a quick twist. The refill cartridges are easy to replace, and each one lasts for weeks, saving me time and hassle. With the LitterLocker system, I can maintain a clean and hygienic environment for my cat without any fuss. It's a game-changer for cat owners everywhere.
Easy and convenient
This is a must have product if you have cats! It is easy to manage, keep the house it neat and clean and, the best part, keep any litter odor away! The replacement is easy to install and last for a long time.
Good but room for improvements
Easy enough to use daily and lock in odours. Would like to have a line indicator on the bags to show when they are getting to the end of the roll so you don’t over fill them accidentally. Would ask like to order replacement scoop and holder as they are broken. At least you can wash it easily enough
Easy litter mate
Used versions of this litter locker for years. Easy to insert bags, open/close, small to fit beside litter box and easy to clean. Litter smell gone, once closed. Easy disposal. Downside - no biodegradable bags & sometimes the bags catch on the top - so be careful (rare, but did occur twice).
Litter locker - the best
This product really works! It eliminates and controls odors. The waste disposal refill mechanism inside is good as I don't have to get one every time it's full. And oh, it's quite big it does not fill up as fast
Very practical and good odor control!
We love it! Makes cleaning the litter box so easy and it blocks the odors! We go through the liners quite fast but maybe it’s just us, either way, it’s worth it! Totally recommend
waste of money and time
Didn't like, just didn't like it. liners is expensive always having to tie off bottom and top of bag more to clean in my opinion.
Game changer
We LOVE our litter locker and would not be able to function without it. It completely blocks any scent from escaping and makes litter box cleaning so much more bearable. Changing out the bags is easy but can be pricey, wish they made compostable bags that were compatible.
Effortless Odor Control
Simplify your cat's litter box cleaning with the LitterLocker pail. Its well-thought-out design and simple process keep odors and messes at bay. With its elegant, space-saving design, it's a practical, hygienic solution for managing your cat's litter.
One of the best cat purchases
I have 2 female cats who urinate OFTEN because they have 2 water fountains they can access 24/7. I use wood pellets as litter so it turns into sawdust once it gets wet. The urine smell isn't too bad because it smells like wood, but when the ladies defecate... BOY is it stinky!! I bought the litter locker to keep next to the litter box area and it's been a life-changer! I can scoop the solids immediately and the smell is gone without needing to take the whole trash bag outside. I recommend for cat owners, ESPECIALLY if you're using clay litter because that requires scooping of the clumped urine AND solids.
Great for quick cleans
At our peak, we had 5 cats and 3 litter boxes. This product was great for quick cleans - just scoop it, and it closes it up and keeps the scent down. Easy to empty and refill as well.
Pretty good!
Great for 1-2 cat househould, but can get pricey overtime for the bags & needing to clean it. Otherwise does the job pretty good!
needed it
perfect for daily cleaning and trapping the smell. way better than lugging a bag to the garbage everyday!
Must have for any cat owner!
I wish I knew about this bad boy when I had previous cats, it saved me so many trips searching for bags to dispose of used litter. It’s so convenient and keeps the scent at bay. I would change it at the end of every week and I change my litter 2-3 times a day!
Mess free
I got this product as a gift from a friend and it was a life changer in terms of litter cleaning. Helps reduce the odor and easy to use. Highly recommended.

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