Capsules de café Torréfaction Blonde Espresso Starbucks® par Nespresso®

4,7 5 0 103 103 Le café STARBUCKS® de qualité que vous aimez est maintenant offert par NESPRESSO, à savourer à la maison. Il nous aura fallu près de cinq décennies d'expériences en approvisionnement, assemblage et torréfaction pour aboutir à ce deuxième espresso qui affirme son caractère doux et moelleux avec audace. Léger et équilibré, il met en valeur les notes les plus douces du lait pour en faire un espresso classique extrêmement velouté sans l'aspect grillé.
Capsules de café Torréfaction Blonde Espresso Starbucks® par Nespresso®


Great Wake Up Coffee
Delicious coffee in the morning but could use a little extra strength for those tired mornings
Le bon goût à l’arrière
Tres délicieux, non seulement bon à tout moment de la journée mais aussi formidable pour garder la forme. Un bon produit que je vous recommande vivement, Starbucks ma toujours épaté.
Very delicious and a special treat to look forward to every morning. The price is a bit hefty though...
So much better than the originals
We have a Nespresso maker and I get so bored of the pods. I've tried all of the Starbucks ones and I've been most impressed by these so far. Prefer these to the Nespresso pods.
A step up
I love my nespresso coffee. I had the vertu machine first than I went and bought the original nespresso this year, along with the milk frother. It's just such a better tasting coffee. I don't mind spending the extra few dollars for the huge difference in quality. It's quick, convient and easy to use.
Tastes so good!
I love Starbucks blonde espresso. This Nespresso is so good, it tastes similar to what you would get in-store, it has great crema, and the price is okay. This is my go-to Nespresso when I do not purchase from nespresso themselves.
Elevate Your Mornings with a Shot of Pur
The Blonde Espresso Roast is a game-changer - smooth, mellow, and with just the right touch of brightness. The aroma is a wake-up call for your senses, and the first sip is a journey to coffee paradise. It's like having a barista on standby, ready to craft the perfect cup just for you.
Taste is good- Size is small
For what it is, it tastes good- but for one single pod I find the Nespresso Original line does not create an adequate sized cup of coffee. When using pods, I prefer the convenience of one single process of brewing- so I don't think it would make much sense to have to use multiple. I have found that I have used these to boost a weaker cup of coffee by adding a bit more flavour/caffeine, which has been great- just not so much as a cup on it's own
So long Starbucks
Currently I don't think anyone should be buying Starbucks. However I have tried these capsules before, and comparing them to normal Nespresso pods there isn't much of a difference
Light and delicious
A lovely light roast is hard to find - this one ticks all the boxes
My fave!
My go to Starbucks order is always a ‘Blonde Americano.’ When I discovered these for my Nespresso machine, I was so excited to try. I took a risk and stocked up, and it’s safe to say, I’m happy I did! These are so good! My favourite Nespresso pod, even compared to ones that I have purchased from the Nespresso store. These definitely fulfill my Starbucks cravings!
Amazing combination to bring Starbucks is Nespresso together I quite like it. It has rich flavour and smells amazing. I would love to see more of these.
Cup of awesomeness
Love Starbucks and nesspresso.perfect combination. The wonderful full flavored coffee smells like a fresh cup from Starbucks. The cost is so much cheaper and more excessivable and don't have to leave home
I have tried dozens of Nespresso pods and I keep going back to Starbucks blonde. It makes an awesome latte, cappuccino or even just as an added shot to your morning coffee & baileys!
my first choice
I own a fancy nespresso machine, and although the nespresso shop gives me endless offers to buy their own capsul brands, my first choice is always STARBUCKS cause they are AUTHENTIC indeed.

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