GoGo Quinoa Spaghetti

4,4 5 0 56 56 Faite avec la farine de quinoa bio et farine de riz biologique. Parfait à chaque fois. Sans gluten, végétalien, biologique, casher, commerce équitable
GoGo Quinoa Spaghetti


Très bon remplaçant pour ceux qui sont sensibles ou intolérants au gluten. Elles sont aussi plus nourrissantes.
Pas si mal
Vous ne devez pas vous attendre à ce que ces pâtes aient le même goût que les pâtes populaires mais elles sont pas si mal
GoGo Quinoa Spaghetti Review
Hands down the best gluten-free spaghetti that I've tried! Typically, gluten-free spaghetti tends to be thin, unable to hold its shape, and weird tasting, but this brand is the complete opposite. It's the only one I've been able to rely on holding its shape without sacrificing taste!
Very good gluten free pasta
I can’t eat gluten since 3 years. These pasta made me believe that a can eat « real » pasta like before. They didn’t taste or have the texture of other gluten free pastas. They are very good
Pleasantly Surprised!
If you told me it was gluten free I wouldn't have believed you. This tastes like gluten pasta. This is definitely one of the best gluten free pastas on the market. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.
Bon produit
Mon amie allergique au gluten m’a fait goûter à se produit. Produit similaire au spaghetti régulier, la différence est selon moi surtout au niveau de la texture qui est plus collante.
One of the better brands of noodle out there. Stays together when cooked. Wish it was all quinoa and didn't have rice though which is common in their products.
Très bon
J’aime beaucoup cette marque en général, j’aime que ce soit vegan et clairement indiqué. Mes enfants adorent ces pâtes alimentaires et je trouve les ingrédients plus intéressants que les pâtes traditionnelles.
Pretty Good For Gluten Free
For what it is a+. Not sticky at all and very like regular wheat pasta in texture.
This is actually pretty good
I tried this and was surprised how good this was. When you cover it with sauce, you cannot tell the difference between this kind and regular pasta. I recommend it highly for those who want to eat better.
Manger et se sentir bien
Pour une personne qui souffre de malaises intestinaux, je peux manger sans aucune inquiétude ces délicieuses pâtes. Et le plus plaisant, c’est que même mon conjoint ne s’aperçoit pas que ce sont les anciennes pâtes de blé que nous mangions. L’essayer c’est l’adopter .
I try to limit the gluten in my diet for health reasons and this has been an amazing find. It cooks quickly and the texture is not far off from the regular pasta that most people are accustomed to. I once accidently served it to someone who was "all gluten free things are gross and taste off" and they had no clue! It wasnt until after I realized and told them and they were surprised that it was a quiona based pasta.
GoGo Quinoa Spaghetti tastes as close to spaghetti you’re going to get outside of actual spaghetti. Loved the texture, easy to cook, delicious taste. Would recommend is looking to add healthy options to your diet
Solid Gluten Free Spaghetti
I really like Gogo Quinoa products in general, including this spaghetti. It doesn't taste 100% like regular spaghetti, but still delicious nonetheless. I prefer this brand above other gluten free options because it's made of non GMO rice and quinoa, rather than corn and offers higher fibre content than most competitive products.
Doesn't feel like Italian pasta
I prefer to cook my pasta al dente and then cook it with my sauce for another few minutes. This pasta becomes mushy pretty quick and falls apart. I would not recommend.

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