Pouche en Chocolat chaud CARNATION Coffee Crisp

4,4 5 0 95 95 Le chocolat chaud NESTLÉ® COFFEE CRISP® (450 g) est un mélange de votre barre de chocolat favorite et de délicieux chocolat chaud qui constitue une gâterie incroyablement savoureuse. Il est maintenant offert en sac refermable, pour que vous puissiez profiter de cette douce et crémeuse boisson, tasse après tasse. Pratique, étant donné que tout le monde en voudra. •La marque de chocolat chaud no 1 au Canada*; *Market Track de Nielsen 2016 •Facilement préparé, il suffit de le mélanger avec de l'eau chaude, ou encore du lait fumant pour une touche de crémeux en plus; •NOUVEL emballage en sac! Système d'ouverture et de fermeture facile qui permet une meilleure conservation et facilite le rangement; •Au chalet ou lors d'une sortie de ski, CARNATION® accompagne parfaitement ces moments intimes entre amis ou en famille où l'on prend une pause pour savourer un délicieux chocolat chaud; •Le chocolat chaud CARNATION® est une boisson qui vous fait chaud au coeur et vous met le sourire aux lèvres, même les jours de grand froid.
Pouche en Chocolat chaud CARNATION Coffee Crisp


great flavor
love the flavor and totally tastes like the chocolate bar.
Love it
I don't drink coffee and oddly love coffee crisp and hot chocolate is my go to warm beverage. Absolutely love this and helps with the lack of coffee in my life. It's dangerous how tasty it is
Too sweet
I found type of coffee crisp a bit too sweet for my liking and some of the pieces break in the bag so you don't always get a full piece
Great taste
I personally love the flavour of this chocolate so when they made a hot chocolate variant I was in, just as usual, nestle likes to add extra sugar to everything so it maybe bit overpowering.
Love this!
All the flavor of one of my all time favorite chocolate bars. With all the comfort of a cup of hot chocolate. For the very best result enjoy it with a coffee crisp chocolate bar!
Tastes just like the bar.
Coffee Crisp is my favorite chocolate bar so I had to try the hot chocolate. It did not disappoint. It mixes nicely with milk (any percentage, even skim) and makes me feel all warm inside.
Super great taste
I love the taste of this hot chocolate, it reminds me of my mom's recepi.
My hidden secret
I'm a grown up but still drinking hot chocolate. What can I say? I really like this one! It's not too sweet, and has just enough coffee crisp flavour.
Taste is pretty close
I enjoy coffee crisps (wish that they were dark chocolate) and this hot chocolate mix/packets is very good and gives me that uplifting feeling, but I wish they were not as sugary, and that they had dark chocolate not milk chocolate.
Love coffee crisp
Not only do I love coffee crisp, but it’s one of my favourite chocolate bars and when I tried it in the hot chocolate,it taste so good. Highly recommend it
Coffee crisp hot chocolate
My over all opinion of this is that it's sweet and tastes like the chocolate bar
The absolute best
Tried this and was amazed at the quality. The flavour tastes like coffee crisp and is not overly sweet like some of the other flavours. Disappointed that I cannot get it anymore though.
kids call it fancy drink
My kids love this hot chocolate. They often call it there fancy hot coco . Tastes exactly like if you were to melt a coffee crisp into liquid form. Always have some in my pantry ready for those cold crisp days
Yummy treat
Such a yummy go to treat on a cool crisp day . One of favourite flavours. Especially sitting by the fire and relaxing it just warms me and tastes so yummy . I always make sure to have some in the house
Sipping Sweet Nostalgia
As the autumn chill settles in, there's nothing quite like cozying up with a warm mug of hot chocolate. And if you're looking to infuse a bit of childhood nostalgia into your favorite winter beverage, Coffee Crisp Hot Chocolate might just be the answer. Upon opening the packet, the rich aroma of cocoa and coffee immediately fills the air, setting high expectations. The hot chocolate mix itself is a velvety brown, promising a luscious and indulgent experience. The taste does not disappoint. This hot chocolate delivers a harmonious marriage of cocoa and coffee flavors that dance on your taste buds. It's not overly sweet, allowing the roasted coffee undertones to shine through. The tiny bits of crushed Coffee Crisp candy mixed in add a delightful crunch and a touch of extra sweetness. Each sip is like a nostalgic journey through the flavors of childhood. I would still prefer to eat the chocolate bar, rather than sipping the drink though.

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