L'Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair Oil

4.7 5 0 156 156 Serie Expert Absolut Repair Oil具备金藜麦+蛋白质专业配方,具备10种功效,瞬间修复头发: <br> <li>护理:滋养、修复、减少开叉、营造轻盈触感、柔软</li> <li>易于梳理:理顺、容易吹干、控制毛躁头发</li> <li>呵护:抗污染及防热高达230°C/450°F</li>
L'Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair Oil


wangi dan menyegarkan
saya suka bau nya yang lembut dan wangi, amat meneyegarkan apabila disapu ke rambut.
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味道超香 不会太油腻
真的很好用 味道超级的香!由于我女儿的头发很干燥又超级爱打结,每次帮我女儿梳头发时她终会呱呱叫说疼!自从收到这 L'Oreal Serie Expert Absolut Repair 10-in-1 Oil 后每当我们洗完头发后就涂抹一点在头发上 头发干后会变得很滑顺 也不会打结 头发也变的有光泽了!以前我女儿不爱洗头发的 因为每次洗完头好要她梳头发她超级怕 因为头发打结!现在却天天都洗头 还叫我别用完她超爱的 L'Oreal Serie Expert Absolut Repair Oil....😊
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Dengan sekali penggunaan, jatuh cinta dengan produk ini.
Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan Serie Expert Absolut Repair 10-in-1 Oil. Sangat berkesan pada rambut saya yang kering. Ia tidak melekit di tangan dan berbau harum. Sy sangat mengesyorkan produk.
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It makes my hair shinier and smoother
Serie Expert Absolut Repair 10-in-1 Oil makes my hair shinier and smoother.
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Hebat Mengagumkan Puas hati
Tersangat berpuas hati dengan hasil penggunaan serie expert absolut repair..rambut terasa sgt ringan,wangi dan mudah diurus.. selamat tinggal rambut kusut
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Sgt ringan bila mengunakn dan tidak melekit bila mengunakn
Sgt2 bagus dan ringan dan tidak melekit, bau yg menyenankn dan wangian yg sempurna..kenapa sya tidak jmpe dri dulu produk yg sebagus ini
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Absolut Repair Oil is indeed an absolute wonderful product. This oil is able to tame my frizzy hair without making it feel greasy or any oil residue. It has a strong perfume smell to it and not only looks but also makes my hair smells wonderful throughout the day.
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Strong, soft and long lasting
its definitely give absolutely a wonderful experience for my hair. After apply it for a couple of weeks, my hair is healthy and strong. Not to mention that i like the smell and it did not stick at my hand. Its worth to buy and a better hair treatment that i can do at anytime any place i go.
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Terbaik untuk rambut kering
Saya dah cuba serie expert absolut repair 10in 1 oil. Tersangat ok dengan rambut saya. Walaupun sedikit berminyak, tetapi tidak mengganggu melampau. Baunya juga best. Rambut nampak berkilat dan berseri.
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Not oily, moisturising, solve frizzy hair
It not oily and moisturising my hair, reduce my frizzy hair problem. Love it so much
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Wangi, Mudah diurus, Melembapkan
Serie Expert-in-Oil sangat wangi bila diletakkan di atas rambut, mmpu melembapkan rambut yang kering dan sangat mudah digunakan
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Smooth, Shining, Light
I like the action from 10 benefits in this product which is make hair lightweight to touch, the softness, not tangling anymore. It also gives protection, makes my hair shine & smoothness, easy to manage. The texture of product not too oily, easy to apply to the hair. Love it so muchh..
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wangi, ringan,lembut
Hai..syira nk review product Absolute Repair Oil yg terbaru dari loreal paris.sblm ni syira guna Extraordinary Oil..igtkan yg 2 plg best..yg terbaru lg syoik oo..lg bau wangi, rambut lg lembut, yg paling penting rambut x kering…ni asset penting ni terutama masa pandemic ni..kalo rmbut kusut ni..memg stress kn..syira guna time rambut sudah kering..bukan lpas mandi..and plg penting masalah rambut bercabang da xde lg..hehe..annddd akan continues pakai yg terbaru ini.. #saybyetodryhair #htcmyxAbsolutRepairOil #SerieExpert #mylorealpro #hometesterclubmy
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Not feel oily after apply the product. Well absorb by hair
Not feel oily after apply this repair oil and we'll absorb by hair. It helps to repair my hair after few tried.
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  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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