OPTIMUM Puppy Chicken & Rice Wet Dog Food

4.4 5 0 64 64 Optimum Puppy with Chicken, Rice and Vegetables is a wet tinned food formulated for dogs of all breeds between 2-12 months of age. Growing puppies require high levels of calcium, calories, and other micronutrients in order to support such an accelerated level of growth. This diet contains a complete balanced mix of nutrients plus extra DHA, calcium, phosphorus, protein, and energy to completely support the growth and wellbeing of your puppy.
OPTIMUM Puppy Chicken & Rice Wet Dog Food


Great wet food for sensitive tummies.
Fantastic wet food! Our puppy loves the taste, the size is appropriate and it's suitable for sensitive puppy tummies. Some wet foods have given our little girl quite a belly ache; this particular one has never upset her stomach and she always cleans her bowl.
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Optimum is a tasty morsel for my puppy!
My Labrador puppy slurped and swallowed this in 1 second! It didn’t even touch the sides! He loved it, and licked the bowl for ages!
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My Dog loved OPTIMUM
My Dog loved OPTIMUM Puppy Chicken & Rice Wet Dog Food
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Puppy Goodness
perfect portion size for my puppy smelt nice and easy to open , my puppy loved it and licked the dish clean
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Great portion size
My dog loved having the wet food mixed in with his dried food. Good portion size
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Best change
Optimum puppy tray is developed to provide delicious and healthy meals filled with nutritional balance of vitamins and minerals to ensure healthy development in puppies. I’m very confident that my puppy is getting exactly what she needs when providing her with Optimum. She enjoys it and definitely seen licking her chops for more. I love that it’s specifically designed dental system that’s proven to reduce build up of plaque and overall great oral hygiene. With a blend of zinc and linoleic aid my puppies coat is shiner and softer. This product has a lot of positive features and will definitely continue using in the future.
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Winner winner chicken dinner
Definitely a new favourite of my little poppy she polished it off in one minute flat!!
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My pup loves this wet food. Perfect for a growing girl.
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Happy puppies
The product was good, and went well with the puppies daily meals
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The dogs just wolfed it down and licked the bowl for a good few minutes after to make sure they got it all - so I guess you could say that they liked it.
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Wet puppy food
Great texture and really smells great like a home cooked meal my puppy was very excited at meal time
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My puppy
I found my dog really didn't like it as much as some other brands
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Good for little puppies
Puppies love it but would have like bigger size as it a snack for a bigger dogs
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Definitely a winner!
The food smells meaty and has plenty of gravy with the chicken and rice. There is a good amount of chicken in the serving. My border collie puppy enjoyed it so much and wanted more. He lapped it up.
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Mena and dog
Product was amazing my dog absolutely love this this product and wanted more I have been to the shops and bought more of this product I have gave add him to my friend as well she tried her and her dog absolutely loved it with Australian made natural ingredients what not what is not to love
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