Infantino Tour de balle Bop & Drop

4,7 5 0 53 53 Les enfants s’amuseront à enfoncer ces boules aux couleurs vives dans les trous de cette tour. Regardez les balles rouler sur les rampes. Par où sortira-t-il en premier ?
Infantino Tour de balle Bop & Drop


Good toy
Although this toy is loud it gains lot of attention in my house as well at in the sensory area at the school I work at. The students like to watch the colours of the balls as they go down and they try to hit the balls faster and faster each time.
Jouet super intéressant
Ce jouet aide les enfants à developer leur sens et leur mobilité toute en s’amusant! Le concept de couleur est attrayant pour les tout petit. C’est toujours plaisant un jouet plaisant et éducatif
Ma fille adore
Ma fille a adorée ce jeux!!! Les couleurs sont magnifiques, il est fait solide, et ça aide à son développement moteur. Elle y a jouée longtemps et elle fut triste quand on a passée au suivant.
Jouet préféré des tout petits
Mes enfants adorent ce jouet ! Même plis vieux, ils veulent encore y jouer ! Et dès que j'ai un invité (avec son bébé ou son enfant ) qui vient chez moi, je sors ce jouet et tous s'amusent !
So much fun
My little one loved this toy. Bright and colourful, super interactive, and even my toddler played with it. Works amazing and worth the money/ can grow with your child. Great toy!
Assomme toys!
We had the chance to try this product at our library. My daughter really loves it. At first she was only playing with the balls but now she loves to smash them.
My daughter can’t stop playing with it, she really loves to play with balls so it was the perfect gift for her. Awesome colours, what you see is what you get. Really recommend you to buy it!!
My son love this toy more than anything else you would give him!
My kids enjoyed playing with it
My kids loved it from the second I opened it up and set it up, they played with it every day all day long as it was fun to watch the balls roll
Great toy!
I bought this for my nephew and he loved it! It’s great for hand eye coordination, and cause and effect play. It’s easy to assemble. The colours are bright.
Good sensory toy
My little ASD toddler used this at speech therapy for yes/no/wait commands. He loved it so much there I decided to purchase one for home. We have left it out for months and he loves pounding down those balls. He also uses the hammer for stimming. I found it to be very durable, even when knocked over… although the sides have been knocked out of their holding joints, the bits never broke and easy to click back in place.
Fun and Educational
This is such a fun toy! My baby and my toddler both enjoy playing with it. In addition to being fun, it also helps develop different skills such as hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, colour identification, matching, and cause and effect!
Awesome toy
It is great my grandson loves it.. plays with it for hours on end.. one of his favorite things to play with
Fabulous toy
Keeps infant busy for an hour. Loves and giggles every time ball drops down. Amazing fun toy for widdles .
Kids Fun Toy
My toddler and her cousin enjoy this toy and it keeps them busy. They learn to work together and take turns with this toy. This toy Helps with their fine motor skills!

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