Cadbury Zip Sharebag Strawberry

5 5 0 134 134 Cadbury’s signature delicious wafer coated with dairy milk chocolate that makes you scream in bliss. Packed in go-to size, share this sharebag goodness with people around you for an extra sweetness.
Cadbury Zip Sharebag Strawberry


Cadbury Zip Sharebag Strawberry
The portion size is perfect for sharing with friends or family, making it the ideal companion for any social gathering.
nice product
saya telah membeli dan mencuba produk ini..setiap bulan saya pastikan membelinya..sedap,lemak berkrim manis yang sederhana.
Coklat kesukaan anak²
Snek kudapan ringan kesukaan anak². Rasa coklatnya padat dan terbaik digandingkan dengan rasa masam strawberry. Walaupun saiz semakin kecil,saya tetap akan beli poduct coklat dari Cadbury. Rasa yang tidak mengecewakan
So Good!
Although a little smaller than before, the taste is still unparalleled and the children loved it.
For trying sample
Anak anak suka selalu beli zip flavor chocolate..produk memang terbaik
I love wafer chocolate
had a very nice chocolate with a strawberry hint flavor. Very good and i love wafer chocolate
Absolute classic favourite
I absolutely adore this. The taste is super delicious. The fragrant of the strawberry is just right for me. Definitely a snack that I take and reminds me of growing up. Your crunchy!
Perfect evening snack
My favourite late night snack. The strawberry flavour is very nice. It balance nicely with the Chocolate coating. Price is also very good as you get 20 bars of wafer. Perfect size for a late night snack if you're feeling hungry.
All time favorite nostalgic chocolate
My favorite budget chocolate wafers from my childhood. Used to eat lots of them and buy a lot especially during cny. Crispy wafer and thin chocolatey layer. Yummy and addictive!
Legendary chocolate
My favourite chocolate since childhood. The taste of the strawberry mix with the chocolate really taste delicious and I keep eating with my happy face. My kids also love it. Recommended to strawberry chocolate lovers :)
absolute yummy delight
Cadbury Zip Sharebag Strawberry is an absolute delight! The sweet and tangy strawberry flavor perfectly complements the smooth Cadbury chocolate. The convenient sharebag size is perfect for enjoying with friends or indulging on my own. Each bite is a burst of fruity and chocolatey goodness. A must-try for anyone who loves a delicious and unique treat!
My kids love this!
Cadbury zip never fails to satisfy me since I was teenager. Now, my kids enjoy it and always ask me to buy.
Taste with crunchiness
Tasty concotion of chocolate, strawberry and waffer enhancing the flavour. Enjoyed the sweetness with my children!!
I coklat lover memang suka dengan coklat plus combine with strawberry.yummy makan sejuk sejuk
Nice cookies coklat and strawbery
Coklat kalau combined dengan perisa ape pun mesti best..coklat and strawbery lagi best..boleh jadikan snek untuk makan bila2 masa je..yg pasti tak manis dan sdap untk makan

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