CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy Series

4.6 5 0 294 294 试试全新的 CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy Series - 来自 CLEAR 的第一个Micellar及0%硅油系列,深层净化头皮,打造无头皮屑的轻盈舒爽的秀发* <br> <p>产品特点: <br> • 来自 CLEAR 的第一个 Micellar Scalp Therapy,不含硅油和苯甲酸脂防腐剂 <br> • 100% 全天然萃取物配制而成,散发着植物香气 <br> • 由抗头皮屑技术配制,能够抗头皮屑功效* <br> • 0% 硅油成分让头发保持轻盈清爽 <br> • 去除头皮屑和杂质*,使您的头发更轻盈芳香 <br> <br> *经常使用并无头皮屑可见<br> <br> 请点击 <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#2c0d61">这里</a> 欲了解更多信息
CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy Series


Bau yang harum dan sangat nyaman
Bau yang sangat wangi dan sangat puas hati memakainya, selesa sangat
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Lighten no dandruff
Very satisfied with CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy.. I have no more terrible dandruff and feel more confident..
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saya suka memakai shampoo ini. sangat menyegarkan selepas pakai.
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Fresh cool unbelievable
Sangat memuaskan. Berbaloi dengan wang. Ianya adalah saru jenama yang sangat diyakini. Sangat boleh di percayai. #htcmyxClearMST #CLEARMY #hometesterclubmy
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Effective, freshness and worthy
Clear micellar scalp therapy sangat berkesan dalam menangani masalah kelemumur. Ia juga melembutkan rambut dan memberi rasa segar dan harum #htcmyxClearMST #CLEARMY #hometesterclubmy
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07/02/2020 mesti beli
Suka sgt sgt.akn teruskan guna product ini.terima kasih
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Kesegaran rambut terjamin
Hello guys!! This CLEAR MEN SCALP THERAPY PURIFING MIELLAR ANTI DANDRUFF SHAMPOO is very recommended. Confirm will make your day with weightless hair freshingly dandruff-free! Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. Clear Micellar Scalp Therapy Series is the first micellar and 0% silicone range from CLEAR, the formulation of the shampoo is carefully crafted to leave your scalp clean and breathable. #htcmyxclearmst #clearmy #hometesterclubmy
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Smells great!
I really love the new clear micellar scalp theraphy, make my dandruff dissapear in juat one wash and really smells great! I wear a hijab and I totally love it!! #htcmyxClearMST #CLEARMY
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White tea extract is good to smell.
The shampoo with white tea extract is good to smell. My hair look smooth and less dandruff after using this new product from CLEAR. Thanks CLEAR. #htcmyxClearMST #CLEARMY
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用过clear micellar 感觉头发柔顺许多,而且头皮也不会痒痒。
之前是用其他牌子头皮痒,然后衣服会有头皮屑,不能解决头皮屑的问题。用了clear 就没有这方面的问题了。
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Refreshing, Energizing and Comforting!
Masa mula pakai, bau dia..perghhh.. wangi.. Sejuk je rasa bila digomol dikepala ni. Apa rasa lepas cuci? Rambut rasa segar je, tak lembut sangat, tak keras sangat, just feel good rambut ni. Kalau dulu masa pakai syampoo lain, rambut mesti macam iklan kat TV, "guna jari pun boleh". Tapi dengan CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy Series terbaru, bukan takat kelemumur je makin berkurangan, tapi kesegaran yang tak pernah rasa masa pakai jenama lain dapat dijelmakan dengan agak memuaskan sekali! Terima kasih @hometesterclubmy sebab kasi peluang mencuba produk terbaru di pasaran. Pandangan saya? Saya syorkan untuk anda mencubanya! Oh ya.. ni Clear for Men ok! #htcmyxclearMST #CLEARMY #hometesterclubmy
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Easy, Clear and effective
The CLEAR Micellar Scalp Therapy Series was very effective on our hair expecially my children hair was clean free from any dandruff and itching. Beautiful results
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Segar, berkesan, terbaik
Produk yang saya cari selama ini. Ianya amat berkesan, kulit kepala saya bebas dari kelemumur sekarang, rasa segar setiap kali lepas menggunakannya. Rambut saya kurang berminyak dan lebih selesa memakai topi untuk jangka masa yang lama. Apabila berpeluh rambut kurang berbau, tidak seperti sebelumnya. T Saya tidak akan bertukar kepada jenama yang lain. Pasti akan menggunakannya selamanya. #htcmyxClearMST #CLEARMY #hometesterclubmy
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Truly blessed!
I am truly blessed to be chosen to try this product. I am satisfied with the result, bye bye dandruff!
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I really like the shape of the bottle
I really like using it. My hair feel so smooth would recommend. I would also like to try other product
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