Dan-O's - Condimento caliente de Chipotle de 3.5 onzas

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Dan-O's - Condimento caliente de Chipotle de 3.5 onzas


Dan-os' seasoning
I really like this flavor. I also tried the other seasoning (original) and I love them both. My husband likes the hitter one, but I eat both. sometimes I not in the mood for the heat, so I use the original. I have recommenced it to so many people. My local store can't keep it so I have been ordering from Amazon.
Chipotle Flavor
We used this Chipotle seasoning on some chicken and steaks we made on the grill. I gotta say it left them tasting Deliciously wonderful. I can't think of anything I would change about this seasoning it was perfect. Definitely great for anyone grilling out and otherwise
I am from Louisiana where spice is a BIG deal. This is the best spice ever. I use this on everything I cook
Great on everything
Love love love Dan-Os . We have tried all of them and we love them all . You really can use it on everything. Meats , chicken, pork and fries anything you would season it’s great for . My kids have put it on popcorn.
I love Dan-O’s seasonings!! They offer a wide variety with a low sodium count which is great for a healthier lifestyle. It doesn’t mess with the taste and I put their seasoning on everything!
My husband bought Dan-O's last week. I was the first to use it. He immediately asked what seasoning I put on the food, cause it was really good. He bought 3 flavors. They are terrific! It's a keeper in our household. Very delicious, best seasoning ever! My family and I now cannot get enough of this stuff.
pretty good stuff
I didn't know my husband bought Dan-O's. Since he does the cooking, I asked what seasoning he put on the food, cause it was nice. He told me he bought these Dan-0's. All 3 flavors he purchased are terrific! It's a keeper in our household.
good on everything
so i bought this thinking i would just use it from time to time but ended up sprinkling a bit on everything. lol i actually really love it too much
I tried this on chicken for the grill and everyone asked for the recipe , also used this on roasted potatoes on another day and it was yummy It has apple but not so overpowering that you can’t taste the other flavors
Brings. The. Taste. Party
Mixed. This. In with Cajun. Breading. For. Fish. N. Chicken. Flavortastic. Heat
We absolutely love this seasoning. It’s delicious and we put it on everything. I love that it’s low sodium so you can actually control the salt level and add enough to taste. So good. Would highly recommend!
Delicious, best seasoning ever! My family and i cannot get enough of this stuff
Full Of Spice and Yum
My husband and I LOVE spicy food and always looking for new flavors. I ordered this on a whim and I'm so glad I did! It has fantastic flavor and good spice! We have been using it on just about everything from tacos to grilled chicken. Great product!
Worth the hype!
I first heard of this company through their TikTok page. I had to try them out. Not disappointed in the slightest! This seasoning is literally good on everything..I put it on french fries, mac n cheese, chicken..all delicious!
So this is what heaven tastes like? Saying it’s good on EVERYTHING is definitely an understatement. Once you try it you’ll be convinced that it would be good on the nastiest food.

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