Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags

4.7 5 0 92 92 Higher Living infusions use quality ingredients grown to the highest organic standards and aim to avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. The relaxing evening infusion combines lemon balm, lavender and chamomile with a soothing blend of herbs.
Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags


Okay tea
"I enjoyed this tea; it was pleasant. However, I found it to be quite expensive and not really worth the price. I believe there are nicer teas available, and personally, I found it a bit unpleasant. Nevertheless, this is just my opinion, and you might try it and love it."
A nice night tea
Higher Living Organic sweet dreams tea is great for drinking before bedtime to wind down and relax. Its calming and soothing. It tastes nice and is healthy. The flavor is good and I enjoy drinking it.
I found this was very calming and comforting, especially in the colder months. I didn't have any sleepy effect from it though. The flavour was lovely, it was light and not heavy like other tea's can be.
Perfect Zzzzzz tea
This is such a great tasting tea. Perfect to have in the evening. The blend of flavours work together so well and it’s not too over powering. Would definitely recommend this tea!
Higher Living Licorice ad Chai teas
I haven't yet tried the Sweet Dreams however as the other varieties that Higher Living make are listed to review, I thought I would add my thoughts here. The Chai tea is really nice, just as you would expect with tea delicious addition of the mix of spices that make up Chai. Higher Living Licorice tea is my absolute favourite! As a child I chewed licorice root, yes its wood lol It is a very acquired, unique taste and I loved it! The root is also very hard to find. Trying out this tea took me straight back there, same amazing woody, licorice taste, nothing can replicate that. These tea bags contai completely natural ingedients. Forget the licorice in the candy aisle, real licorice taste that may take a little getting used to. It starts with the sweet woody aroma, a few sips may be necessary to really appreciate the flavour if you've never had it before. It then leaves the most sweet, delicious taste on the tongue, the exact taste I had when I chewed on the root.
For sweet dreams
I am a big tea drinker, and love this tea. It tastes great, and drinking it relaxes me before bed. I love that the tea is organic too. I look forward to drinking this every night!
Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags
Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags are a comforting and soothing choice for anyone seeking a peaceful bedtime ritual. The gentle blend of herbal flavours, quality ingredients, caffeine-free nature, packaging, and calming effects make them a standout among herbal teas. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day, create a tranquil bedtime routine, or simply enjoy a moment of relaxation, this tea offers a serene and comforting experience. Embrace the soothing benefits of Higher Living Sweet Dreams Tea Bags and enjoy the tranquility of a cup of tea that prepares you for a peaceful night's sleep.
Doesn't taste great
I was expecting this to taste really great after reading the ingredients, but it doesn't. It tasted really herby to be with no real flavour. It's sort of calming if you can get over the taste
Calming and Soothing
The tea is really relaxing and calms you down. Best to have it after meal sometime before going to bed.
Sweet dreams
Love this tea. Originally bought for my teen daughter to help to get her to sleep at night, now I enjoy a cup to unwind with when I feel restless. No bitter aftertaste as with many herbal tea. Sweet enough without adding to, but I enjoy it with some honey. If you have trouble unwinding , I recommend trying this.
A Good Nights Sleep
I purchased and tried this tea after it being recommended by a colleague and I was pleased to share that it works. I'm relaxed and enjoy a good nights sleep, waking refreshed and more alert at work.
Night-time routine
Great smelling and tasting tea - good part of a night-time routine. Definitely look out for it when it's on sale.
So good
I really like this tea. It has been a wonderful addition to my bedtime routine and helps me fall asleep so much quicker. The flavours are great and not to intense which is nice just before bed
This is the ultimate sleep tea. Not a big fan of peppermint but love it in this tea. Really does leave you calm and very relaxed before I go to sleep. I am never going back to normal tea again.
Love this!
These tea bags are so calming, right before bed, or even if you're feeling a little under the weather. The most prominent flavour in them is definitely the peppermint, but even then (as someone who doesn't love peppermint) it feels very subtle and relaxing. Bonus: it's organic!

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