GLUTANEX Aqua Booster

4.7 5 0 332 332 Glutanex Aqua Booster 是一款清爽不油腻的保湿面霜,可舒缓和滋润肌肤。 它的质地柔滑轻盈,可瞬间为肌肤带来清凉感。 含有高效美白促进剂 -谷胱甘肽,有助于抑制黑色素的产生,使肤色透亮、变得更有光泽。<br> <br> 这款保湿霜可快速被皮肤吸收,同时通过较小的水解玻尿酸分子有效地锁住水分。 此外,它还富含 DNA 鈉,可让肌肤保持深层保湿,改善肌肤弹性。GLUTANEX Aqua Booster 经临床证实,使用一次即可舒缓肌肤炎症。
GLUTANEX Aqua Booster


Smooth texture with quick absorption
Glutanex Aqua Booster Cream has been a routine creamfor me. Its unique blend of powerful ingredients, including glutathione and hyaluronic acid, not only provides intense hydration but also promotes a radiant complexion. Personally, I've noticed a significant improvement in skin tone and texture. The cream's lightweight formula makes it easy to incorporate into my daily skincare routine, delivering lasting benefits for a youthful and nourished appearance.
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Melembabkan kulit
Produk ni sangat bagus dan sesuai dgn kulit saya. Kulit lebih lembab dan tak kering. Tona kulit nmpk lebih sekata. Sangat memuaskan.
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Sangat meyakinkan
Saya sudah mencuba produk ini selama seminggu seperti yang dinyatakan. Selepas menggunakan produk ini di wajah saya, saya dapat merasakan perbezaan dengan produk yang digunakan sebelum ini. Ternyata produk yang digunakan ini memberi kesan yang baik terhadap wajah saya. Saya merasa semakin yakin menonjolkan wajah saya selepas menggunakannya
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Good for sensitive skin
been using this cream continuously for two weeks and definitely this is a good option for those who have sensitive skin. This Glutanex cream is very hydrating and I feels so light on the skin which is able to deliver a lot of hydration. I love the texture and the feel of it on my skin! It is very nourishing without greasy feeling unlike some other moisturizers do. Best to refrigerate it before using for instant cooling effect, superb for using it!
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Glutanex aqua
Saya baru-baru ini mencuba produk penjagaan kulit yang luar biasa yang saya perlu berbangga. Produk ini menonjol kerana beberapa sebab: Penyerapan Pantas: Ia mudah menyerap ke dalam kulit anda, tidak meninggalkan kesan berminyak atau dia.
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#glutanezx aqua booster
Sangat berkesan untuk putihkan muka dan parut jerawat
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Revitalize Your Skin
I recently tried a remarkable skincare product that I have to rave about. This product stands out for several reasons: Quick Absorption: It effortlessly absorbs into your skin, leaving no greasy or heavy feeling. Cooling Effect: Chilling it in the fridge enhances its refreshing and revitalizing sensation. Suitable for Dry Skin: It's a savior for dry skin, leaving it soft and supple. Discovering a New Brand: Trying something different is always exciting, and this product didn't disappoint. In a nutshell, I highly recommend this skincare gem. It's easy to absorb, lightweight, provides a fantastic cooling effect, suits dry skin, and adds the thrill of trying a different brand to your skincare routine.
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Glutanes Aqua Booster
It really help keep my skin moisturize throughout the day as my skin is a dry skin. Give a refreshing sensation. I liked it very much and would suggest to others.
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A must try product.
The Glutanex Aqua Booster is a must have product to try out.Its lightweight creamade it easy to apply n absorb easily
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Lightweight,glowing complexion
Can’t believe this product can makes my skin glowing,and also have a lightweight texture to my skin!!
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Lightweight Hydrating
The aqua booster helped in curbing my dry flaky skin. It was advised to keep the moisturiser in the fridge for extra cooling sensation which was amazing.
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The best moisturizer
Firstly thank you for choosing me to review this best product & sorry for the late review because i just recovering from morning sickness first trimester..during this trimester my skin so dry & sensetive.. around after 1 week i've used this Glutanex Aqua Booster it's really help calm my skin to look more moisture, smooth and my fine lines slowly recovering. Really thankful because it was help my skin look healthy & glowing during my pregnancy.
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Glutanex aqua booster review
Texture - ringan dan mudah sangat meresap kat kulit. Bila saya pakai, kulit jadi moist je. Lembut je kulit muka. Kalau untuk parut sy tngok parut xhilang tapi pudar sikit je. Produk ini bagus utk kulit yg kering sbb dapat lembapkan kulit. Yang sensitive pun ok, dia x rasa macam gatal2 or panas lepas pakai. Bagi saya produk ni sesuai utk diri saya. Berkemungkinan sy akan membelinya juga sbb sy selesa pakai glutanex aqua booster ini. Saya pun perasan jugak, jerawat cepat surut bila pakai glutanex aqua booster ini.
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Hebat , pantas , lembut
Kulit makin lembab, sesuai untuk kulit yg over sensitif
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The moisturiser is very lightweight and absorbs quite fast and easily into the skin which is what I like about this moisturiser, though there is a scent that I'm not quite keen on but it does the job of moisturising the skin.
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