ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream

4.7 5 0 186 186 这款皮肤屏障强化霜采用了专利的Patented Ceramide Skin Complex 和Phytoceramide™, 有助于恢复皮肤屏障、高效保湿, 温和去除废弃角质及减少敏感。<br><br> 与其他品牌的区别在于,这款保湿霜专为亚洲敏感肌肤而设计,最重要的是,非常适合全家人使用,甚至您的小孩都可以放心使用!
ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream


I love this losyen..very smooth and gentle to my skin..absorb very quickly..
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Reinstall my healthy skin barrier
ILLIYOON cermide Ato Concentrate Cream is the best All in one lotion for my ezcema skin. It's lightweight, it is easy to apply, seems to absorb quickly and doesn’t leave a grease slick, I use it for my whole body including my face and it does not give me breakouts. Effective in providing long lasting hydrating and moisture to my skin, my skin is no longer peeling around the edges or dried out, it keeps my skin moist all day. Great product and must have one on hand.
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The best moisturizer i ever used
I have been using illiyoon ato concentrate cream for a month. I am so surprised with the result. This moisturizer really works well on strengthen my skin barrier. It helps my dry skin to breathe again. No more dry and flaky skin. The cream texture that makes my skin well hydrated & smooth than ever. The best thing i love about this moisturizer is the cream texture that fast absorb into your skin, not greasy at all. Definitely will purchase more in the future.
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Prefect Cream!
Saya telah menggunakan product ini beberapa hari. Saya sangat puas hati dengan cream ni, ia membantu memberi kelembapan pada kulit saya. Texture cream ini sangat pekat, pakai sedikit sahaja sudah memadai. Ia juga sesuai utk kulit yg sensetipp. Sangat recommended!
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Anti Allergy Cream
Tried this cream for a week. It’s good for sensitive skin. Doesn’t cause any rashes. The feeling is light and non-sticky.
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Moisturize, non sticky and suitable
Moisturize, soothing, non sticky, suitable for most skin types, no scent, protection, concentrated,
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I am very satisfy with this product.
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Good quality lotion
Good quality product. It moisture our skin well. Price are quite expensive for a small tube of lotion.
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Hello smooth and radiant skin!
ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream provides long-lasting moisture on my skin. It gently moisturizes and soothes my skin. Besides that, it is not sticky and feels comfortable on my skin. It is safe to be used by the whole family including my child. It does not cause irritation and tightness on my skin after using. It gives me a healthier and more radiant skin complexion after using.
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Smooth and non oily texture
Non oily texture good after applied on skin. Skin is moisturizer for longer hours especially good for eczema skin type.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
good to my skin and child skin
little bit sticky because this cream no use any bad ingredient,everything is good,only skin texture i not many like.
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Melembutkan kulit walaupun agak melekit.
Saya suka sebab memang bagus dalam melembabkan kulit wajah cuma kurang selesa kerana agak melekit terutama ketika cuaca panas dan berpeluh.
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很高兴有机会试用ILLIYOON,刚收到就打开来使用,不太粘腻,容易推匀,ILLIYOON CERAMIDE ATO CONCENTRATE CREAM 😉 味道 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 粘腻 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 保湿 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 满意 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream
ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream sangat lembut di kulit muka saya, setalh memakai lebih dari 3 minggu, kulit saya semakin lembut dan cerah.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I really like using this product.
Cream in sangat lembut dan saya sangat menyukainya. Saya jugak sapukan pada anak saya (6 tahun). Kulit nya kering di bahagian belakang leher. Sangat menakjubkan. Kulit nya kembali lembut dan lembap. Sangat sesuai untuk anak saya. Terima kasih ILLIYOON.
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