Nature Valley Nut Butter Cups - Peanut Chocolate

4.5 5 0 278 278 Crunchy biscuit cups made with whole grain oats and chocolate pieces, a chocolate flavour base, a peanut butter flavoured filling and peanut pieces.
Nature Valley Nut Butter Cups - Peanut Chocolate


Sweet but tasty
Very peanutty which was lovely, little bit too sweet for me but other half loved it! Good price.
Small for the price
Small amount of product for the price. However very tasty
Peanut chocolate
There ok. Wouldn't be my first choice . .
Absolutely delicious
These are one of the best tasting products I’ve had from this range will definitely be buying again and again. We have loved them but they seem to be quite hard to find in most stores!
Tasty snack
These are lovely! Really nice rich peanut butter flavour with a nice oat crunch biscuit. They are a bit pricey but they are good quality. Love them and do recommend them despite the price.
Great golf snack!
My husband loves these especially as a pick me up mid golf round.
Nut butter cups
I enjoyed eating these, I also like the shape, bit different to a standard protein type product.
Love the peanut butter
I love this natural Bally nut butter cups - the peanut butter chocolate is amazing the tease is just perfect you couldn’t ask for any better lovey on toast or crackers
Very tasty and good to dunk into coffee. A nice mid morning snack
Yes these are nice
These are so lovely small And crunchy they are nice with some ice cream
absolutely amazing
absolutely amazing product. Good to have in your home all the time.
These nut butter products are scrummy. I was a bit apprehensive about trying them as they said butter. But they are lovely no to buttery they have a lovely taste & are very moorish.
warning addictive
i love these nut butter chocolate peanut cups, and managed to eat all four in a day, they are delicious and the peanut butter gets stuck to the roof of your mouth, its ace!
Taste of heaven
oh my days these are tasty beyound extremes and without doubt will become a staple in our monthly shop
Absolutely love them taste so nice and packed with loads of energy my daughter also likes them for morning when we are in a rush my go to pick up and easy to eat in the morning

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