Conjunto de Pista del Mundo Hot Wheels Jurassic World Racerverse

4.9 5 0 38 38 ¡Corre para escapar de la isla Jurassic World en este conjunto de pistas Hot Wheels RacerVerse que cuenta con una carrera de arrastre y una tirolina al final! Incluye los corredores de fundición Blue the Raptor y Owen con figuras no removibles en los asientos de los conductores de vehículos de fundición de Hot Wheels preparados para las carreras en pista.
Conjunto de Pista del Mundo Hot Wheels Jurassic World Racerverse


He loves it!
M ty grandson loves it. Definitely adorable and fun for him to play with.
Fun Toy
My little nephew loves this toys. Easy to put together and provide hours of fun for him.
Easy to set up
Great set, easy to set up. My kiddo played with it for hours and was able to integrate it in with their other hot wheels track.
Loved this
Got this my 5yr & he absolutely loves this toy. Hotwheel has always been a favorite. So far no disappointment.
Quite a normal toy
Much better toys are available but good to go in this range
Hot Wheels
Hot Wheels are hours of fun for you and your kids. This is an interesting set.
Happy kids
Something fun about launching a toy over and over again. Kids are occupied for hours and subconsciously learn about gravity. Win win
Hot wheels, race track
I got this for my oldest grandson for Christmas and he just had a fit over it. He loves anything hot wheels and dinosaurs so this was a perfect fit for him. My four year-old grandson. Definitely recommend this.!

P y R

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